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Username Post: painting control arms        (Topic#78830)
Posts: 297
Loc: California Bay Area
Reg: 12-11-03
10-23-04 12:22 PM - Post#537270    

I just posted in the paint forum, but maybe someone here has an opinion too. I am getting a stock set of lower control arms blasted clean. I was thinking of having them powder coated at a local shop, but the $75 is making me think twice. I am guessing a paint shop would charge the same. I don't want to leave them uncoated, so any opinions on what I should do...1) take the time to POR-15, 2)rattle can primer and paint or 3)just get them painted/powder coated and stop asking questions . Not looking for show quality work here, just a decent covering. Opinions?

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George Chavarria
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Re: painting control arms
10-23-04 12:57 PM - Post#537271    
    In response to gchavarr

I like POR-15 - lasts for a while and works well - just make sure its clean though.

Jared ------ 66 GMC custom...soon to be scrapin', 500+ci V8, ...

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Re: painting control arms
10-23-04 01:03 PM - Post#537272    
    In response to kolochi

I just blasted mine and I'm going with the POR 15 with their Black coat top coat. it's supposed to hold up to chipping better than a powder coat. but I haven't seen the proof yet.

Relax!!! I know what I'm doing... Now where'd I put the duct tape?

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Re: painting control arms
10-23-04 02:49 PM - Post#537273    
    In response to davbra1171

Mine I por-15ed. they seem to work well, and they go with the frame. How come you didn't mention the possibility of getting them chrome plated?!

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Loc: California Bay Area
Reg: 12-11-03
Re: painting control arms
10-23-04 05:58 PM - Post#537274    
    In response to chadman03


How come you didn't mention the possibility of getting them chrome plated?!

Hmmmm, no rust, easy to clean, I can see myself while doing an oil change, the advantages are mounting

It looks like be trying to find a place to score some POR-15 on Monday.

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George Chavarria
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Re: painting control arms
10-24-04 10:41 AM - Post#537275    
    In response to davbra1171

I POR15'd my rear leaf springs, then re-assembled them and hammered the tie strap around and it didn't chip the POR15. But, I dripped some brake fluid while doing the brakes and that wrinkled the POR15 on the upper A arm. I bought mine from their website, only get Qt or smaller.

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Re: painting control arms
10-25-04 07:35 AM - Post#537276    
    In response to monty56

If you are going to have stuff powdercoated, it is best to have a lot of stuff done at once. The price drops dramatically once you have a large quantity of stuff to do. The reason is that it takes a lot of time to set up for a specific color to be sprayed. Most shops don't want to do little bits and pieces here and there. You'll find that if you only have one or two parts to do, the powdercoating shops will be more willing to do it if they are already shooting a standard color - and you don't mind having the standard color on your part. The shops do quite a bit of black, white and red. If you want something different, it will be expensiive. Get to know the guy in charge. Find out what he hates to do in his shop, then avoid giving him that type of job. Make it easy on him to do. Do him a favor or get him some parts or leads he has been looking for on his car/truck.
You'll find that it isn't so hard/expensive to get things powdercoated if you work with the guys at the shop.

Posts: 297
Loc: California Bay Area
Reg: 12-11-03
Re: painting control arms
10-25-04 10:48 AM - Post#537277    
    In response to Vaughn

Yea, I checked into the powdercoating. I only have the control arms. I could have thrown in some sway bars, but that would have been it. Everything else is either staying put or new.

I also saw your post regarding leaching. I didn't know that the metal had to be rusty before the POR15 appplication. Damit I just had these bead blasted . Accroding to POR15 folks, I could use their metal etch prior to POR15, but I am getting impatient and don't want to wait to get the metal etch. I have a buddy who can spray a metal etching primer. I think this might work. Or, since the surface is clean and rust free, I think I can put just the topcoat on. Would that work?

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George Chavarria
64 Short Fleet
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Loc: Pennsylvania
Reg: 06-18-03
Re: painting control arms
10-25-04 11:02 AM - Post#537278    
    In response to gchavarr

The POR15 works well after the metal etch/prep is used. I wouldnt even think of trying to spray on the topcoat with out a base of POR-15 or you'll be repainting these things in short order. The metal etching primer is probably not going to work with the POR-15. From what I have found out, you either use their metal etch or that piece better be rusty otherwise it wont last!!

Jared ------ 66 GMC custom...soon to be scrapin', 500+ci V8, ...

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Re: painting control arms
10-25-04 11:46 AM - Post#537279    
    In response to kolochi

The POR 15 prep is called "Metal Ready" and yes you can use it over a blasted surface. It etches the metal, neutralizes any rust, and leaves a zinc phosphate coating that helps the POR 15 bond to the metal. I got mine in 4 or 5 days and shipping is free on orders over $100. I'm about to order their "Metal Mask" for my springs and steering arms. it looks like new metal but will never rust(??????) we'll see.

Relax!!! I know what I'm doing... Now where'd I put the duct tape?

Member #455 "15th Year" Gold Supporting Member
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Re: painting control arms
10-25-04 01:11 PM - Post#537280    
    In response to davbra1171

I'd double check with the people that sell POR-15. I have heard a lot of horror stories from people that sandblasted their parts and then used POR-15, only to have it come off. If they say you can use their metal etch to solve it, then follow their advice. Back when I bought some of that stuff they told me specifically that I should not remove all of the rust - just remove the loose surface rust. They warned me not to sandblast my parts. If they have changed their tune, I'd like to know.

Posts: 297
Loc: California Bay Area
Reg: 12-11-03
10-26-04 06:12 AM - Post#537281    
    In response to Vaughn

Vaughn, your right about the POR15. Here it is from POR15 customer support: You cannot apply POR15 to bare untreated metal. The best method is apply over surface rust (loose rust removed). They said that if metal had been cleaned that application of their metal-ready is required. Metal ready is removed by rinsing with water, so after rinse, you can leave the untreated metal outside for a flash rust, wich will help the POR15 adhear better. Their website does say to use the metal ready first, too bad it does not say why.

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George Chavarria
64 Short Fleet
69 Camaro


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