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Username Post: Strait 6 Engine Codes        (Topic#78241)
Uncle Chachie 
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Uncle Chachie
Age: 50
Loc: Superior, WI
Reg: 02-13-04
10-17-04 02:43 PM - Post#532853    

I received my three pickups on friday, including my CREW CAB!!! Finally... Anyway, I got the fleetside longbox 65 running, but need a fuel pump for the 65 short box. However, I am having problems finding out what size the engines are. The 65 has an engine code of F0921TJ and the fleetside just says MF2. My fatherinlaw who's a mechanic says the engine in the fleetside is a newer one, as it has 5/8" spark plugs, rather than the 13/16" in the stepside. Anyway, I need to find out what these engines are from, or better yet, a website or listing to see it myself.

Uncle Chachie
1967 Chev K20, 1966 Chev Crew Cab


Re: Strait 6 Engine Codes
10-17-04 02:49 PM - Post#532854    
    In response to Uncle Chachie

Try these:

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Re: Strait 6 Engine Codes
10-17-04 03:03 PM - Post#532855    
    In response to Uncle Chachie

If the distributor is located on the middle of the engine, it is a 235 or 292. If it is located more towards the front, it is a 194, 230, or 250. The fuel pumps from each family ( 235, 292) or (294, 230, 250) should interchange.

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Re: Strait 6 Engine Codes
10-17-04 04:21 PM - Post#532856    
    In response to Uncle Chachie

I haven't had much luck tracking down engine codes, seems most guides have ignored the L6. Look for the casting number. You should find it, to the right of the dip stick about half way between the side cover and the pan. A quick check is the if the side covers are about 4" high - 230/250, 6" high 292. Then go to the above URLs. btw all the heads are interchangeable including replacing the integral head with an earlier one.
68 C20 327/465 daily driver 4:56 och!
63 C20 292/420 Camper truck Detroit Locker 4:10 posi
65 C10 ? /powerglide Custom Cab AC,PB,PS,4xflasher

I don't own a vehicle that isn't old enough to drink.

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