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Username Post: metal brake lines        (Topic#77179)
Senior Member
Posts: 209

Loc: shellman bluff ,ga,usa
Reg: 04-14-02
10-06-04 03:38 PM - Post#525331    

i mounted a new twin resivor master and power brake setup this weekend. while hooking up the lines i came across bigger metal lines in the front and smaller ones for the rear.normal? it was a pain getting adapters for the lines to master .it took 3 parts houses.i hope to get it finished this weekend .thanks

Frequent Contributor
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Loc: Ocean Park, Washington
Reg: 08-26-03
Re: metal brake lines
10-06-04 04:19 PM - Post#525332    
    In response to Turtle

Turtle I ran into the SAME thing earlier this month on mine! I adapted them all to 1/4 inch line. Did you replace all the brake lines? I did, and it turned out to be a BIG job...keep us posted, ok?

65 Chev C-30 motorhome.
"You can run an old Chevy 6 FAST or you can run an old Chevy 6 for a LONG TIME, but you can't do BOTH."

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Loc: Flagtown, NJ
Reg: 12-28-01
Re: metal brake lines
10-07-04 12:53 AM - Post#525333    
    In response to jtruck

I just had Inline Tube make up a new set of stinless steel fuel lines and brake lines. Real nice product. I'll be installing them in the next couple of weeks.


1965 C-20 Custom Camper

Posts: 77
Loc: Lakehead CA
Reg: 07-14-04
Re: metal brake lines
10-07-04 02:49 AM - Post#525334    
    In response to Turtle

I'm glad I bought the ss set. It wasn't cheap and it was a puzzel to put together. I didn't want to put all new under the hood, and then keep 40yr old down the line.

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