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Username Post: Alternator Swap        (Topic#77141)
Posts: 18

Reg: 06-09-04
10-06-04 07:35 AM - Post#525086    

Sorry guys, I tried doing a search and reading all the earlier posts but I guess I'm even dimmer than my headlights right now. I swapped the old 4 wire alt. for a new 3 wire (1985)type. Obviously I now have a spare wire just hanging there. What do I do with it? Do I still need the voltage regulator? Was driving the truck last night and the headlights kept getting dimmer and the brightness doesn't increase with the increase on engine rpm. Also checked the battery voltage with engine running and was only reading 10v. Anybody know, in non electrician terms, where these 3 wires off the alternator go?

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Re: Alternator Swap
10-06-04 07:58 AM - Post#525087    
    In response to jd5166

The info your looking for is here;

Updating To the '83-'86 Delco-Remy 12SI Series Internal Regulator Alternator

Hope that helps.

The 6066 GMC Guy

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Re: Alternator Swap
10-06-04 09:23 AM - Post#525088    
    In response to jd5166

Here's what I did......

I used an newer alternator with an internal regulator. This is an excellent way to go. These units are very dependable and do a much better job that the old fashioned external regulator jobs.

Alternator Swap

'60-'66 Idea Page or Corvair Stuff

Shorty Cox 
Posts: 47
Shorty Cox
Reg: 08-22-03
Re: Alternator Swap
10-06-04 02:11 PM - Post#525089    
    In response to jd5166

It is so easy. I did it to my '64, and i would think it would be just as easy on yours.

First remove the battery cables from the battery.

1. take the regulator off and throw it as far as you can.
2. It should have had 4 wires connected to it.
3. Using a test light, locate the wire that is hot (12 volts)when the ignition switch is in the "run" position.
4. now, locate the wire that runs from the regulator position to the gen/alt.
5. splice the wire located in number 3 above to the one located in number 4.
6. now you have a wire at the gen/alt location that is hot (12volts)with the key in the "run" position.
7. forget the other two wires at the regulator.
8. Now remove the gen/alt and throw it as far as you can(probably can't throw it as far as you did the regulator!!)
9. Should be three wires going to the it. two small wires and one large wire. The large wire is connected to the battery and is hot (12 volts) all the time.
10. Go to the parts house and purchase an alternator with internal regulator and a new "pig tail" (the little thing that plugs onto the two terminals on the side and near the back of the alternator) they are numbered 1 & 2. the pig tail will have a small white wire and a large red wire. The new alternator will also have a large terminal(electrical connection) on the back. It will look like a screw sticking out with a nut on it.
11. Do what it takes to bolt the new alternator into the place of the gen/alt you removed and threw in step 8.
12. Once installed, plug the pig tail onto the terminals mentioned in step 10. attach the large wire from the battery (mentioned in step 9) and the red wire on the pig tail (mentioned in step 10) to the large terminal on the back of the alternator, tighten the nut.
13. Now attach the white wire on the pigtail to the wire identified in steps 4, 5, & 6.
14. Secure all left over wires.
15. Crank her up and you are good to go.

Amp meter should work also. If you have a idot light, i'm not sure.


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Re: Alternator Swap
10-06-04 05:03 PM - Post#525090    
    In response to Shorty Cox


get one wire alternator, hook up 1 wire from alterantor post to B+, then not sure how you ign. is wired on your truck but if it like mine, then find new source of B+ for ign switch

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Re: Alternator Swap
10-06-04 07:32 PM - Post#525091    
    In response to jd5166


Make it easy on yourself.

(1963-72) Part # 52-896 Alternator Conversion Kit


An External to Internal Regulator kit. Easy plug-in conversion that can be used with 1985 and earlier series alternators.


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Re: Alternator Swap
10-07-04 03:57 AM - Post#525092    
    In response to jd5166

Just dont do it the way Mikey did it...

"A man and his truck, It's a beautiful thing"
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Posts: 18

Reg: 06-09-04
Re: Alternator Swap
10-07-04 07:11 AM - Post#525093    
    In response to jd5166

Thanks for the info. guys. Haven't had a chance to try any of it yet but I will this weekend. Hopefully by Saturday afternoon I'll be chargin

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Re: Alternator Swap
10-07-04 03:19 PM - Post#525094    
    In response to dvalentine

Vary interesting parts from ChevyDuty, I didn't even know that such a thing was made. I'll be adding that of info to my page.....

The 6066 GMC Guy

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Re: Alternator Swap
10-07-04 04:02 PM - Post#525095    
    In response to Chevy_Stepside


Just dont do it the way Mikey did it...

Hey, mine works great, just did'nt have enough wire, I will be making it right

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Re: Alternator Swap
10-07-04 07:52 PM - Post#525096    
    In response to Jolly


Vary interesting parts from ChevyDuty, I didn't even know that such a thing was made. I'll be adding that of info to my page.....

Jolly, I used the same part on the 72 Chevelle I had also. Worked like a charm and made the whole alternator swap a 20 minute job. Can't go wrong for $15.


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Loc: 6066 GMC Trucks
Reg: 12-11-02
Re: Alternator Swap
10-08-04 05:53 AM - Post#525097    
    In response to dvalentine

Looking at the Chevy Duty site, I see they also have a kit for the 60-62 trucks, but it's twice the money. (1960-62) Alternator Conversion Kit $29.95 Part # 52-895 (Image not available).

The 6066 GMC Guy

1965 GMC 3505 Rescue Squad
2008 GMC HHR Panel

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