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Username Post: Body Ground Strap        (Topic#376319)
Posts: 2

Reg: 12-01-24
02-04-25 05:59 AM - Post#2877621    

Another newbie question here, and I appreciate Ram 51's help on my last question. This '49 has a body ground that I think is in the incorrect location. Can anyone point me to where it should be? I've searched both here and the factory service manual without success. Thanks!


"8th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 6800
Loc: Yakima, WA. USA
Reg: 12-28-02
02-04-25 09:51 AM - Post#2877626    
    In response to Bamacker

  • Bamacker Said:
This '49 has a body ground that I think is in the incorrect location. Can anyone point me to where it should be?

The only ground strap on an original car would be from the negitive post on the battery to a bolt on the head near the thermostat housing (blocked by the heater hose in this illustration). There, originally, was no other ground strap unless it was added sometime since the car was manufactured. The body would be grounded through the engine motor mounts to the frame and from the frame through that body mount bolts.

Attachment: 1949_216_Engine___6_volt_Battery_Hold_Down.jpeg (1.6 MB) 72 View(s)

1951 Fleetline Preservation
'51 Fleetline DeLuxe, POWERglide 2-DR (Fathom Green)
'51 Styleline Special BUSINESS COUPE (Shadow Gray)
'53 6500 Dump Bed (Faded Red)
'50 Styleline DeLuxe 4-DR (Mist Green)


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