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Username Post: 2001 Silverado driver's door        (Topic#376318)
Posts: 56

Loc: nc
Reg: 01-29-17
02-03-25 06:18 PM - Post#2877618    

Good evening, I am new to this forum on trucks, please bear with me. I have a 2001- 1500HD crew cab 4x4 Silverado. When I open the driver's door none of the dome lights or the door lights work, but I can open any of the other three doors and all the dome and door lights work as they should to include the driver's door light, when I turn the key switch off all the interior lights come on and go back out after a set time, I did notice that when I put the key in the switch the gauges flash over from left to right and then return to the left side of the gauge. My main concern is the door light not working on the driver's door when I open the door. Can someone help me with a starting point. Thanks

Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 596
Loc: West Richland, WA
Reg: 02-05-17
02-05-25 08:00 AM - Post#2877645    
    In response to tk63impala

That sounds like the door latch switch. In the GMT800's that switch is part of the door latch. Most likely, the latch needs to be replaced, although I'd inspect the wiring that goes to the latch in case a wire got pinched somewhere.
The gauges are supposed to do a full sweep on these trucks as a test to make sure they're functional. That is normal.

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