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Username Post: 1973 out of state plates        (Topic#376314)
Gold Supporting Member
Posts: 1409
Loc: Inland Empire CA
Reg: 06-06-01
02-02-25 11:20 AM - Post#2877580    

I have to go thru a smog ref to get it registered. The problem is that the engine was swapped out of it while in the state of Rhode Island where it's registered and the vin in the windshield is rusted out. I have to jump thru hoops just to get to the smog ref. The DMV referred me to the CHP and there is where the hoops start. Good morning,

Thanks for submitting the information but we are going to need more information. See the highlighted sections below.

Reply to this email with.
The DMV registration and/or Ca DMV Report of Deposit of Fee Form. Note: If DMV is requiring a VIN verification this must be completed, and a copy of the VIN verification form must be submitted to us before a referee face-to face inspection can be performed.
The Donor vehicles VIN # (if available).
Description of the engine "e.g." year/make/engine size/ engine casting number and fuel type "e.g." the size and make of the carburetor etc.
Better pictures of the engine with different views/angles. pics with the air cleaner assembly off to see the carburetor. pics of the exhaust etc.
A repair invoice from a licensed ARD (Automotive Repair Dealer) or licensed Smog Test And Repair Shop stating the installed engine has been verified that it conforms to the California Engine Change Guidelines and the functionality of the engine and emission controls has been checked and confirmed that all of the emissions controls for the year of the passenger car engine are installed and operating to the original equipment's manufactures specifications.
Picture of the exhaust system ( if equipped with a catalytic converter) matches the donor vehicle configuration.
Pictures of any aftermarket emission related parts with the CARB E.O.# sticker.

Note: I recommend having a licensed smog test & repair station perform a smog pre-test to ensure it will pass a smog inspection and tailpipe test if approved for a referee engine change inspection.
Let me know if you have any questions.

*Verify all submitted copies or images are clear and legible.
**NOTE** Failure to submit the requested information may result in a possible delay for an Onsite Referee Appointment

What can I do? I traded for this car and now I want my car back that I traded for. I think the previous owner should have done the footwork.


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