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Username Post: not thick enough        (Topic#376298)
Posts: 650

Reg: 06-08-20
01-29-25 11:45 PM - Post#2877502    

One of my jobs was that of a fuel truck delivery driver. I drove a "tank wagon" single axletruck mostly heating fuel deliveries. In my delivery area the was a small island which was about 160 feet from the "mainland ". News Years eve afternoon I got a radio call that someone was out of fuel on the island n wanted some right away. I asked about the ice thickness. the office lady said the ice was good no worries. I got there 8-9 pm. The owner was there n said the ice is fine frozen almost solid. I was fairly new to crossing the lake. I asked again if he was really out of oil. he said yes. I got out about 80 ft heard a loud crack like sound n felt the back end of my truck settle down. I tried to power ahead. no luck. The truck froze in that night in about 3-4 ft of water. Tow company came out cut around it with chainsaws n winched it outtook it somewhere to unthaw. The guy was not out of fuel n had too much to drink It was at Temperance Island Ham Lake about 34 years ago you can see it on a google map.


Sting Ray 
"19th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 3058
Sting Ray
Loc: Westwood Hills, Kansas
Reg: 02-19-05
02-02-25 11:30 AM - Post#2877581    
    In response to bsa6565

Ham Lake, Minnesota? I was there yesterday, just got back last night.

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Posts: 650

Reg: 06-08-20
02-02-25 04:46 PM - Post#2877593    
    In response to Sting Ray

yup, Minnesota the "land of 10,000 lakes" I was not in a good way that night. stuck in the ice with maybe 400 gallons no. 2 fuel on board hoping it was not leaking. What should have happened is fill some 5 gallon cans n let the homeowner deal with it. almost everyone on the island fills in the Summer. like july the water is only a foot deep if no rain

Posts: 650

Reg: 06-08-20
02-02-25 09:17 PM - Post#2877604    
    In response to bsa6565

it was very cold just before christmas up until new years eve -24 without the wind. once we took the order for the fuel we could not back out as we would be liable for frozen broken pipes maybe worse if elderly people lived there. I had been out since 7am n arrived bout 9pm n was carrying just enough for that stop. The guy who met me was already juiced up for new years eve which i didnt realize because i never got out n talked to him...


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