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Username Post: Door Lock Operation        (Topic#376295)
Posts: 2

Loc: GA
Reg: 01-28-25
01-28-25 07:28 PM - Post#2877482    

Recently purchased a '63 C10 but no keys came with it to operate the door locks. Have purchased new keyed door lock cylinders and installed them. How do the door locks work? With the door shut, should I be able to insert the key and twist to prevent the push button from being depressed? I have not been able to twist the key.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 3693

Loc: Lake George, NY
Reg: 11-11-15
01-29-25 06:32 AM - Post#2877485    
    In response to jknape

Welcome to CT. See if the linkage from the lock is frozen. Disconnect the link from the key cylinder, see if the key can be turned

Edited by Shepherd on 01-29-25 09:36 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 596
Loc: West Richland, WA
Reg: 02-05-17
01-29-25 05:05 PM - Post#2877496    
    In response to Shepherd

The lock should work as you described. There was only one lock on the driver's side. Turning the key will prevent the button from being pressed in on the door handle. I believe it's all internal to the door handle and there's no linkage on it. Unlike the sedans of the era, there is no door lock knob on the inside of the door that is moved by the lock. To lock the truck from the inside, the inside door handle is pushed down. When locked from the inside, the outside button can be pressed, but it will not operate the latch. When locked with the key, the button can't be pressed.
I would remove the lock and see if the key engages the pins properly to allow it to rotate in the handle.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 2867
Reg: 05-26-02
02-05-25 11:33 AM - Post#2877649    
    In response to jknape

on my '65 c10 you must lock the driver door with the key.

Then the outside button does not depress when locked.

Unlock it so the outside button will depress again.

If you shut the door with the door handle in the locked position, it will unlock when you shut it.

Good luck.


Posts: 2

Loc: GA
Reg: 01-28-25
02-12-25 11:55 AM - Post#2877820    
    In response to jknape

The issue was resolved. The new lock cylinders received from LMC Trucks did not match the original. The shoulder on the pin extended too far out and was not allowing the key to turn to lock it. Ended up trimming the should down to a depth that allowed the key to turn.


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