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Username Post: If you had to guess, what colour would this be        (Topic#376283)
Posts: 220

Reg: 06-11-14
01-24-25 01:20 PM - Post#2877353 y-style...


"8th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 6799
Loc: Yakima, WA. USA
Reg: 12-28-02
01-24-25 02:09 PM - Post#2877354    
    In response to z28summit

If I had to guess, and this is the original color, I would have guessed, initially, that might be a Candian built Chevrolet. I usually first look at the wheels to see if the striping is still present; which it is not on this example. That, to me, indicates a repaint. It is not a U.S. 1950 Chevrolet color. I only have the 1950 Candian color names and not the chips except for Sparton Grey Metallic which was used in both 1950 and 1951. Of the 1951 chips, it comes closest to 163. Aspen Grey Metallic. The three metallic colors used on 1950 Canadian Chevrolets are as follows: Jasper Green Metallic, Sparton Grey Metallic (not a match), and Aldershot Bronze Metallic. Or, it is entirely possible (most likely) that when it was repainted, someone simply chose a color they liked. You should be able to go to your nearest automotive paint store, ask to look through the "color maps" that they have, and find something very smiliar. A scan of the 1951 Canadian chip is attached.

Attachment: 1951_GM_Canadian_Color_Aspen_Grey_Metallic.jpeg (201.93 KB) 74 View(s)

Attachment: 1950_Chevrolet_Non-U.S._Color.jpg (1.28 MB) 80 View(s)

1951 Fleetline Preservation
'51 Fleetline DeLuxe, POWERglide 2-DR (Fathom Green)
'51 Styleline Special BUSINESS COUPE (Shadow Gray)
'53 6500 Dump Bed (Faded Red)
'50 Styleline DeLuxe 4-DR (Mist Green)

Posts: 157

Age: 76
Loc: ohio
Reg: 12-26-02
01-27-25 09:13 AM - Post#2877443    
    In response to RAM_51

what does the trim tag say

Posts: 157

Age: 76
Loc: ohio
Reg: 12-26-02
01-27-25 09:14 AM - Post#2877444    
    In response to z28summit

what does the trim say it should have a paint code number on it

"8th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 6799
Loc: Yakima, WA. USA
Reg: 12-28-02
01-27-25 10:13 AM - Post#2877447    
    In response to STEFAKI

  • STEFAKI Said:
what does the trim say it should have a paint code number on it

There were no photos of that at the "alamy" stock image webpage from which this photo was taken. Of course, I would have looked at that to help make a determination. I'm assuming z28summit has no first hand knowledge of this particular vehicle, but we can certainly wait to see.

1951 Fleetline Preservation
'51 Fleetline DeLuxe, POWERglide 2-DR (Fathom Green)
'51 Styleline Special BUSINESS COUPE (Shadow Gray)
'53 6500 Dump Bed (Faded Red)
'50 Styleline DeLuxe 4-DR (Mist Green)

Posts: 156

Loc: Salem, OR
Reg: 11-19-13
01-27-25 08:07 PM - Post#2877465    
    In response to z28summit

How about....BLUE?!
Did I win anything?

Edited by 54delivery on 01-27-25 08:08 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

Posts: 220

Reg: 06-11-14
02-02-25 07:19 AM - Post#2877570    
    In response to RAM_51

Correct. I was just hoping it was a common blue possibly

"8th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 6799
Loc: Yakima, WA. USA
Reg: 12-28-02
02-02-25 10:19 AM - Post#2877577    
    In response to z28summit

  • z28summit Said:
I was just hoping it was a common blue possibly

As stated, it is NOT a US or Canadian color used on Chevrolets in 1950. If you took a look at any paint manufacture's "color map" book, you might be surprised at how many blue metallic shades or hues that you would find. These books are separate from each auto manufacture's chips used for any particular year and are laid out in very much the same way you would look at paint swatches at a hardware store if you were painting an interior room in your home. In one of those, you might find a color that
is very similar to what you see on this particular 1950 Chevrolet.

1951 Fleetline Preservation
'51 Fleetline DeLuxe, POWERglide 2-DR (Fathom Green)
'51 Styleline Special BUSINESS COUPE (Shadow Gray)
'53 6500 Dump Bed (Faded Red)
'50 Styleline DeLuxe 4-DR (Mist Green)


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