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Username Post: 94 C1500 Suburban 350 Issues        (Topic#376281)
Posts: 1

Reg: 01-23-25
01-23-25 02:41 PM - Post#2877332    

The truck has no rear brakes, overheats, has no heat inside.

I have drained and filled the rad/engine as well as washed 3 times. First time I drained the rad with the OG coolant inside it was brown (Someone used water), I filled with distilled water and the prestone rad cleaner and ran for 2 hours. After I drained it was cleaner, less than the first drain. I threw new green oriley 50/50 in and drove it a day (Still overheated). Let it sit overnight and did the drain and wash procedure again. Let it run for 3 hours this time and it came out lesser of a brown more of a tan color. I did that for a 3rd time next day. Now I have 50/50 in it again and i took a sample of coolant (Water Bottle) it is green but you can see a little haze in it. It builds pressure after hot but not at idle.


Replaced front R/L pads, rotors, and calipers. Front L bled perfect, FR the bleeder tube was maybe filling up halfway and the resivor isnt dropping in level much and the brake line was replaced ~a year ago. Out Back I get a good bleed. I cant drive the truck in the snow due to the fronts locking up and nothing happening out back. The engine pushes through the brakes.

I replaced all blend door actuators inside the cab and i thought that was going to fix the issue. it didnt. It gets a little warmer inside the cab maybe but not like my 94 s10 does.

I have ECM Codes 33, 34, 35, and 44. ABS codes 51, 81, 86, as well as the red "BRAKE" light on.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 3682

Loc: Lake George, NY
Reg: 11-11-15
01-24-25 10:38 AM - Post#2877349    
    In response to ryanturner328

If you Google all those codes, you will get a lot of info. OBD 1 diagnostics are more difficult to find these days. You replaced the front flex hose? So the rear brakes bled but they don't work?

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