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Username Post: Lower control arm torque spec        (Topic#376266)
Jeff Dodson 
Posts: 107
Jeff Dodson
Loc: Clute, Tx. U S A
Reg: 09-30-04
01-20-25 07:06 AM - Post#2877245    

Anybody know the torque spec for the lower control arms where they bolt to the frame not the spindle. I have a noise from mine that I feel might be because I didn't get them tight enough. It occurs only when I hit a hole and stretches the suspension. I have replace everything, mainly because I lifted the front with 2 in lift springs.

2004 Chevy Silverado crewcab
1972 Chevy Monte Carlo

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Posts: 3682

Loc: Lake George, NY
Reg: 11-11-15
01-20-25 07:47 AM - Post#2877249    
    In response to Jeff Dodson

Don't know the spec but don't tighten them ever with the wheels hanging, gotta be at road height.

Jeff Dodson 
Posts: 107
Jeff Dodson
Loc: Clute, Tx. U S A
Reg: 09-30-04
01-22-25 06:04 PM - Post#2877319    
    In response to Shepherd

Yes, I knew that. I have a noise that I cannot find, was thinking maybe it was the lower control arms not tight enough. I check them today. They were tight. I greased the Sway bar bushings. The only occurs when the suspension stretches.

2004 Chevy Silverado crewcab
1972 Chevy Monte Carlo

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Loc: paradise
Reg: 09-05-03
01-26-25 10:22 AM - Post#2877416    
    In response to Jeff Dodson

spring hitting something? or shifting in the seat?

70 L camino, grampa engine, g-force 5 spd, road rage suspension. Pray first before all else fails.

Jeff Dodson 
Posts: 107
Jeff Dodson
Loc: Clute, Tx. U S A
Reg: 09-30-04
01-28-25 06:00 PM - Post#2877480    
    In response to bobb

That's what I was thinking, but I can't find evidence of either...

2004 Chevy Silverado crewcab
1972 Chevy Monte Carlo

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