Posts: 650
Reg: 06-08-20
01-19-25 07:46 PM - Post#2877232
A while back I was employed om a garbage truck commercial route. I dumped tip up containers at stores, cafes, busineses and some heavy drinking places in a beatup area in a large city. One bar had a kind of general helper guy maybe 75 years old. he lived atop the place n did cleaning repairwork...I would often talk to him when I stopped in to load trash.. He did not look well off, maybe had a tough life the place was known for violence n fights n someone had been shot dead over a pool game there. During the xmas season with the nice part of downtown a few blocks away lite up with expensive lites n people shopping n spending. I backed up behind the bar n my friend came out. he had a small box with some glasses in it n said "these are for you, they are chipped but you can still use them " I said thanks n left. As I drove away I could not help compare the big flashy Christmas displays n people with bags of presents to my friend n his box of used glasses. With most likely no money he found away to give something on that day
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Age: 73
Reg: 11-24-02
01-20-25 06:52 AM - Post#2877242
In response to bsa6565
'67 Camaro survivor
'06 Z71 Sierra Ex Cab
'37 Chevy cp.SOLD!!6/7/14
'73 Nova pro-street project
'17 Chevy Trax LT AWD
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Posts: 1505
Reg: 01-06-03
01-29-25 02:35 PM - Post#2877493
In response to bsa6565
Many years ago I practically had a junkyard at my property. An old guy stopped by and asked for for a wheel cover for his Oldsmobile because he noticed I had one. I asked him for $15 and he took it. Weeks later he stopped again and told me he needed another one but said he only had $8. I said ok. I guess he had a bent wheel because he was back a week or two later and I gave it to him no charge. Every time I saw him he had his wife and adult son with him. I never spoke to them but I assumed his son had some sort of disability. A few weeks later he stopped by and said he was moving out of the area a gave me a nice floor jack. He said you can probably use it more than I will. Super nice for a family that probably survived on social security. I never saw him again because tragically the whole family died when the mobile home they were renting caught fire. Sometimes life is just not fair.
Posts: 650
Reg: 06-08-20
01-29-25 11:14 PM - Post#2877501
In response to Louiem
yes,some people just have bad luck or things happen out of their control. The fact that they sometimes help others (who may be better off than them) says alot about human nature.the guy who lived above the bar always came out to see me n I always took time to talk to him. He was old, missing teeth n rough looking but I would rather have him for a friend than some wealthy stuck up smartass