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Username Post: 1993 C1500 w/t 4.3-5 spd. What is the size of my passenger side axle seal?        (Topic#376259)
Posts: 1

Age: 58
Loc: Fresno County, CA
Reg: 01-05-25
01-18-25 06:46 PM - Post#2877210    

I have a leaking seal, and the parts stores all bring up a seal that isn't even close to what I need when searching their inventory. They let me go through their entire seal section trying to match one to the original. I found a close match, but it wasn't exact, so as expected only lasted a couple months b4 starting to leak again. Anyone else have this issue? Maybe its a junkyard diff?
I am not the original owner, but know its been totalled a time or two. Any info would be appreciated. Ron.

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