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Username Post: Okie bushing        (Topic#376257)
"9th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 194
Loc: Sweden
Reg: 04-27-14
01-18-25 02:08 PM - Post#2877197    

What's the difference between a bushing from 49-50 and 51-54? I tried to put on a new bushing for a -50 on a powerglide axle. After 2" the bushing get stucked. Is the axle on a powerglide a little bit bigger?


"10th Year" Gold Supporting Member
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Loc: Georgia
Reg: 05-06-10
01-18-25 02:29 PM - Post#2877199    
    In response to Coupe50

Did you remove the old front bushing?

"9th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 194
Loc: Sweden
Reg: 04-27-14
01-18-25 11:05 PM - Post#2877212    
    In response to drtyler

Yes the old one is gone. I have done this one time before and that one was no problem to put in. But this one is stucked so now i have to get it out without destroying it.

Posts: 445

Loc: colonial heights va
Reg: 06-28-14
01-19-25 02:23 AM - Post#2877213    
    In response to Coupe50

Did you check for a rivet?

Posts: 445

Loc: colonial heights va
Reg: 06-28-14
01-19-25 02:25 AM - Post#2877214    
    In response to bobt

try some heat on the torque tube?

"19th Year" Silver Supporting Member
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01-19-25 02:12 PM - Post#2877224    
    In response to bobt

I ran into a similar problem with my '53 PG rear-end. I ordered the bushing from NCA. I couldn't get the old bushing out, but the NCA tech said I could just pound the new one in, and displace the old one deeper into the tube. Didn't work. I ended up only being able to get the new on half way in. I cut it off and hoped for the best.

1953 210 Convertible, 261 with dual Carter YF 966S carbs, P.S., Remote Bendix P.B. Booster.

Posts: 445

Loc: colonial heights va
Reg: 06-28-14
01-19-25 02:52 PM - Post#2877226    
    In response to bobt

NO. You have to remove the old BUSHING with a special tool then, drive the old SEAL in with the new oakie bushing.

"8th Year" Silver Supporting Member
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Loc: Yakima, WA. USA
Reg: 12-28-02
01-19-25 04:18 PM - Post#2877227    
    In response to Coupe50

  • Coupe50 Said:
What's the difference between a bushing from 49-50 and 51-54?

Let me preface this comment by saying I have absolutley zero experience with oakie bushings, I appoligize if this comment muddys the waters. From the instructions that came with an okie bushing that was actually manufacured in Oklahoma predating the new ones by quite a few years...there obviously is a difference between the 49-50 and 51-52 (one might assume 53-54 also). What that difference is, I know not. You can clearly see the outside construction of the older ones.

Attachment: M-102_1949-50_Chevrolet_Oakie_Bushing.jpeg (2.93 MB) 50 View(s)

Attachment: Oakie_Bushing_Instructions_Pg._1.jpeg (773.3 KB) 46 View(s)

Attachment: Oakie_Bushing_Instructions_pg._2.jpeg (857.79 KB) 50 View(s)

1951 Fleetline Preservation
'51 Fleetline DeLuxe, POWERglide 2-DR (Fathom Green)
'51 Styleline Special BUSINESS COUPE (Shadow Gray)
'53 6500 Dump Bed (Faded Red)
'50 Styleline DeLuxe 4-DR (Mist Green)

"16th Year Silver Supporting Member
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Reg: 08-12-05
01-19-25 07:39 PM - Post#2877231    
    In response to bobt

And I believe if an Okie bushing has been installed previously, you cannot install another one.

Bill Gommel

49 chevy Styleline (Sold), 51 Styleline 2 dr Special, 235 (from a 61 truck) bored .060 over, Dual Carter/Webers, Fenton Headers, T5- 5 speed with a 56 rear end.

"9th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 194
Loc: Sweden
Reg: 04-27-14
01-20-25 06:46 PM - Post#2877274    
    In response to bobt

Hello. Sorry for the late answer. The rivet is gone. No i have not tried to heat the tube. Maybe I should try that when i have got the bushing out of the tube.

"9th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 194
Loc: Sweden
Reg: 04-27-14
01-20-25 07:04 PM - Post#2877276    
    In response to rrausch

Hello sorry for the late answer. I could get the old bushing out with no problems and I measured how deep in the other bushing was and there was
room enough for the new bushing. A friend of my guessed that maybe the axle (shaft?) dipped a little bit so the bushing get stucked because of that. I hope i can get bushing out and it's not to damaged so I can solve this problem.
To RAM51. I have tried to find what the difference is but couldn't find an answer. Maybe I have to phone a company and ask.

Posts: 445

Loc: colonial heights va
Reg: 06-28-14
01-21-25 02:23 AM - Post#2877278    
    In response to usmile4

Try to heat the tube TO GET the stuck bushing out. Can you post a picture of the stuck bushing?

"9th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 194
Loc: Sweden
Reg: 04-27-14
01-21-25 10:31 AM - Post#2877297    
    In response to bobt

Ok. I can give it a try. I can try in the weekend to post some photos. I'm out on the road in my job.

"9th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 194
Loc: Sweden
Reg: 04-27-14
01-25-25 10:04 PM - Post#2877407    
    In response to Coupe50

Well me and my buddy finally got the bushing in place. It was a little edge in the tube that stopped the bushing. That problem wasn't on the other axle i put a okie bushing in. We fixed that so after a bit of work with a sledge and a piece of wood it's finally there. I wonder if there is a new manufacterer of the bushing because I didn't have to hit it so hard the last time I did this job.

Posts: 445

Loc: colonial heights va
Reg: 06-28-14
01-26-25 02:08 AM - Post#2877410    
    In response to Coupe50

Axle? Don't you mean torque tube?

"9th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 194
Loc: Sweden
Reg: 04-27-14
01-27-25 11:03 AM - Post#2877452    
    In response to bobt

Yes of course the torque tube. Don't write an answer in other language than your own when you are in bed and nearly falling asleep. :wink :


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