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Username Post: 58 IMPALA REAR CENTER ARM REST        (Topic#376249)
Posts: 1

Reg: 01-18-25
01-18-25 06:16 AM - Post#2877174    

What is the trick to lowering the rear center arm rest in the back seat of a 58 Impala?

Figured it out. Mechanism needs to either be in the seat or base securely mounted and then lift up on the front of the arm rest as you pull toward the back. As you lift on the front, you may also have to push down on the back of the arm rest to help it start down. Most importantly, all the brackets must be aligned and straight. No part of the plates, arms or brackets can be bent or out of alignment. Thank you.

Edited by 58Cruzin on 01-19-25 12:37 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


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