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Username Post: cloyes 2 piece timing cover button too long.        (Topic#376247)
x inFEKTid x 
Posts: 389

Loc: east side of atl
Reg: 04-14-08
01-17-25 03:16 PM - Post#2877166    

just like the title says. when i try to put the center part with the button on, it sticks out . i have it screwed all the way in but the circular part doesn't make contact with the timing cover to screw it on to. any ideas on this? it basically seems like the button needs to be milled down to fit but that defeats the purpose of having it adjustable. im all ears .its an retro hydraulic roller cam. i REALY should have had it made where you just use the plate instead of the button...

Edited by x inFEKTid x on 01-17-25 03:18 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


x inFEKTid x 
Posts: 389

Loc: east side of atl
Reg: 04-14-08
01-18-25 09:14 AM - Post#2877180    
    In response to x inFEKTid x

I got a head of myself . I got it. I tightened the rockers down without pushing the cam back. Now I have the space. Thnx anyhow.

"3rd Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 546
Age: 70
Loc: Charlotte, NC, USA
Reg: 09-05-22
01-18-25 09:42 AM - Post#2877181    
    In response to x inFEKTid x

Way to go!

'65 Impala SS 396 Convertible
Member, National Impala Association
--It's weird being the same age as old people!


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