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Username Post: 2014 Silverado 1500 Transfer Case issue ?        (Topic#376239)
Posts: 2

Age: 28
Loc: Colorado
Reg: 01-15-25
01-15-25 06:56 PM - Post#2877114    

Hello All,

I own a 2014 Silverado 1500 5.3L 4x4. I am having an issue and would like opinions to help me narrow it down.

I went to put my truck in reverse after driving around all day. There is snow and ice so I have been in and out of 4HI. When I tried to back up the truck did not want to ease back like normal. I tried to ease some gas and still no budge. Finally I heard a wonderful crack, pop pop pop as it went backwards. ( I was in 2WD at the time) I do not have any noise what so ever driving forward ( all the way up to 45mph down the street) but only get the pop pop pop and clunking while backing up. It sounds like it is under the driver seat. I hear a little extra noise when I try to swap in and out of 4wd but have no issues with any gear changes in the transmission, no vibration, no knocking or grinding sounds. I have check driveshaft and it’s fine. U Joints look like they could use some love. But I am wondering if it is my transfer case? Any help is greatly appreciated thank you.

Edited by MccoySam502 on 01-15-25 06:57 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

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