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Username Post: Front strut rod to lower control arm bolts        (Topic#376235)
Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 80
Loc: South Australia
Reg: 06-20-11
01-13-25 11:09 PM - Post#2877065    

Whilst cleaning up these 4 bolts (7/16 UNF) I note that they are all not full length threaded.
I think their codes are 3859094 and 3859095.
The threads on two of them are no good so I need to replace however so far all I can seem to find new (easily) are full thread.
I assume the unthreaded portion sits more neatly through the strut rod and control arm for metal on metal rather than thread on metal contact.
Do you think the fully threaded bolt will function the same in this situation or should I try to source the partly threaded versions.
I understand GM did this for a reason so my gut tells me to keep the same but not sure if it is anything to worry about.


"3rd Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 447
Loc: Central Arizona
Reg: 04-10-22
01-14-25 06:49 AM - Post#2877074    
    In response to Adelaide65SS

Find longer bolts with an unthreaded shoulder and cut the excess thread length off, and bevel the cut end threads using a grinder of some sort.

Inexact rule of thumb is thread length needs to excess 4 times the diameter before you start getting an unthreaded shank. So probaly 2.25"- 2.5" long bolts should start getting unthreaded portions.


"16th Year" Gold Supporting Member
Posts: 631
Loc: Oakland Co., Michigan
Reg: 10-12-08
01-14-25 07:06 AM - Post#2877076    
    In response to DHMelton

Use the bolts you can get & don't worry about it.

Very Senior Member
Posts: 5046

Reg: 12-29-02
01-14-25 10:09 AM - Post#2877084    
    In response to Adelaide65SS

Put grade 8 bolts in and torque them down. They will clamp well enough there won't be any part movement against the threads to matter.


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