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Username Post: Rear Demister and possible Fuse Box feed        (Topic#376201)
Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 80
Loc: South Australia
Reg: 06-20-11
01-04-25 08:04 PM - Post#2876814    

Thanks for your help today with my previous query. I have reached another stumbling block. My car has the optional rear window defroster / fan at the parcel shelf.
The feed is via a single stand alone purple wire which ends in a double clip (in purple, out brown) in to 2 spade attachments on the back of a chrome dial type switch under the dash which was screwed in to the steel dash frame to left of the steering column.
Again I cannot see this in any wiring diagrams so I am unsure where the exiting wire (brown) goes to. It divides in to two sockets in series.
I must have pulled each from the adjacent fuse box and not written it down as that is the only location the wires could reach, but now not so sure where to plug in again.
Following on from that would anyone have a picture of the fuse panel with the writing still intact denoting the purpose of each fuse as the white is all worn away on mine.
Thanks again.


"9th Year" Gold Supporting Member
Posts: 1514
Loc: Western NY
Reg: 06-15-02
01-04-25 08:21 PM - Post#2876815    
    In response to Adelaide65SS

Take a look at my topic on the rear defogger. There's a lot more there on the defogger than what the topic was originally written for.

The tan or light brown wire plugs into the fuse box. There should be an area for an extra terminal to be plugged-in. There is no dedicated fuse so it wouldn't be a bad idea to add an inline fuse holder to that wire. The tan wire then goes to the under dash switch. The tan routes power to the switch terminals and then out to the purple wire. The ground for the motor gets screwed into the sheet metal diagonal behind the rear seat.

There's an instruction sheet which Bill posted in either my topic or in the one I linked within mine.


Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 80
Loc: South Australia
Reg: 06-20-11
01-04-25 09:17 PM - Post#2876816    
    In response to toro455

Thank you for that link.
Certainly a lot of detail there.
Adding a fuse is a good idea.
It appears that the second brown wire and plug in the series is not used.
The pictures seem to show that sitting unconnected.
I can confirm that my toggle is not the same as the one shown. It is about half the diameter and has a small 'pointer' as part of the toggle design.


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