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Username Post: gas tank leaking fuel from top        (Topic#376199)
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Loc: From Memphis to Florida
Reg: 12-01-15
01-04-25 04:12 PM - Post#2876804    

Quick question. So I filled my tank up last night . I don't remember ever filling it all the way up before . But I was planning on taking it on a trip this morning. Hadn't driven the car in over a month . Drove fine last night to the cruise in and didn't leak any gas. Filled up my tank on the way to the house and later went out to the garage to get a beer and kept smelling a raw fuel smell . Figured normal carb smell .This morning went to back the car out and saw a puddle of gas under the middle of the gas tank . Gas tank and sending unit are 10 years old . What was odd I noticed while filling the tank up, the gas pump didn't click off ,and at 16 gallons I stopped it ,not being sure what size the tank is . Well it is a 20 gallon I found out . I had about a quarter tank before I filled up. I can poke my finger up to the sending unit and it feels wet there. I drove it a little and seemed to quit leaking. Is it normal to leak out a little if over filled? Oh and not so quick question haha sorry .


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01-04-25 04:30 PM - Post#2876805    
    In response to Adam63impala

Not sure it matches your symptoms, but I had a similar issue before restoration. Turned out to be the rubber hose between the filler and tank. This is probably the original hose (about 45 years old at the time). The rubber had gone bad and was cracking, letting fuel leak out when full or close to full (sloshing)

- Dave 1964 Impala 4-door sedan.

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01-04-25 06:57 PM - Post#2876810    
    In response to Adam63impala

The top of your fuel tank might have a rust hole in it and that is where the fuel is escaping from. Another spot is the rubber hose connection at the top of the sender unit. The last place might be the rubber hose if your car has a return-to-tank pipe. I would assume that when you put the new tank in you also replace the rubber connector hose from the filler to the tank. When the tank is at 1/2 or lower, put some air pressure into the tank by stuffing a rag into the opening leaving enough room to get a air hose nozzle into the tank filler. Listen for escaping air. You only need a few PSI to do this test 2-4 PSI.
My wagon always has a fuel odor when I fill it and all the noses on my tank have been replaced and my tank has zero rust. I am very careful not to drip a drop of gas outside of the filler. I never could figure out what caused this. Station wagon tanks fill from the top in the left quarter, unlike the rest of the cars.

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01-05-25 09:29 AM - Post#2876819    
    In response to Adam63impala

any hose you replace must be fuel hose.

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Loc: Emmetsburg, Ia
Reg: 12-15-01
01-05-25 09:54 AM - Post#2876822    
    In response to dcairns

I agree. Had the same issue and replace the rubber hose on the tank neck and that took care of my issue.


1964 Impala Convertible 327/250 Goldwood Yellow AT,PS,PB,AC,Tilt,AM/FM,Power Seats.

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Reg: 12-01-15
01-12-25 09:35 AM - Post#2877004    
    In response to dcairns

if leaking from that hose, would it be dripping off the bottom of the tank or dripping off the hose ? Mine seemed to be leaking from the top of the tank . Wondering if I need to drop the tank since it seems to have stopped leaking . I store my car an hour away in a garage so I haven't been able to look at it .But they aren't smelling raw fuel anymore and the cardboard I placed under the tank has been dry.

"13th Year" Gold Supporting Member
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Reg: 09-17-09
01-12-25 04:36 PM - Post#2877014    
    In response to Adam63impala

The safe bet is order new hoses and drop the tank and verify it's not rusted. Very often where the tank float mounts it rusts there as well. Clean it and if it's good put on the new hoses is the safest way to go. Also did it only do that when you topped off the tank? These are vented tanks and if you over fill it will splash out and drain thru the vent hole in the tank filler compartment until it gets low enough. You should never top them off anyway.

Edited by turbo38s10 on 01-12-25 04:38 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

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Reg: 12-01-15
01-13-25 03:40 PM - Post#2877055    
    In response to turbo38s10

Well, the tank is only 10 years old. And I did fill it up because I was going to transport it from where I store it to my house an hour and 20 min away . But lesson learned. Won't be filling it up again .it did not leak before filling it up . Never has leaked before .

Edited by Adam63impala on 01-13-25 04:23 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

"2nd Year" Silver Supporting Member
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01-13-25 05:25 PM - Post#2877059    
    In response to Adam63impala

my guess is still the hose from the filler tube to the tank. Did you climb under the car and investigate. I am the same way trying to negotiate my self out of a problem it never works. Just get under there with a good bright light or take it to a shop.

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Loc: From Memphis to Florida
Reg: 12-01-15
01-14-25 05:59 AM - Post#2877069    
    In response to Dave_Neiling

I did crawl under and inspect. The hose from filler neck to tank was dry and didn't feel wet anywhere around it . The only place that felt wet was at the top of the tank where the fuel line comes out of. The line felt dry though. Not sure if the guy that installed that tank 10 years ago replaced that rubber line or not BUT it only felt wet around the gasket area at the top and was dripping down the exact middle of the tank. I'm thinking it was just over filled . I hadn't filled it up possibly ever in the 24 years I've owned the car . Haven't driven it since but where I keep it garaged at, they haven't smelled any gas since .

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Reg: 11-11-15
01-14-25 06:10 AM - Post#2877070    
    In response to Adam63impala

Got a drain plug, if so, let some fuel out see if you still have the leak, careful doing this of course, siphon some if you can.

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Reg: 01-18-13
01-14-25 06:17 AM - Post#2877071    
    In response to Adam63impala

You may be able to see things better if you remove the driver's side wheel.

If you have a vented tank; use non vented cap. Non-vented tank = vented cap. Just info.


"13th Year" Gold Supporting Member
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Loc: Agawam,MA
Reg: 09-17-09
01-14-25 02:00 PM - Post#2877090    
    In response to Adam63impala

If it's wet in the middle of the tank by the sender then it's either rusted or the oring on the sender is bad. Either way I would by a new sender and replace it , oring and the hose. Filling the tank should not cause a leak there unless something is wrong. You need to run it down or drain it out and drop the tank, at least to where you can look at it. That is something that won't get better and will comeback to bite you at the worst time and place. Also replace that filler hose at the same time.

Edited by turbo38s10 on 01-14-25 02:00 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

Frequent Contributor
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Loc: From Memphis to Florida
Reg: 12-01-15
01-14-25 02:16 PM - Post#2877093    
    In response to turbo38s10

ohhhh okay , you had said it's a vented tank so it's normal to leak a little if over filled . I was hoping that was it.

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Loc: From Memphis to Florida
Reg: 12-01-15
01-14-25 02:17 PM - Post#2877094    
    In response to turbo38s10

if I unbolt the two straps, will the tank just drop down ? or will I have to undo other things first? I'm sure the filler hose to the tank ?

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Reg: 01-18-13
01-15-25 07:56 AM - Post#2877107    
    In response to Adam63impala

  • Adam63impala Said:
ohhhh okay , you had said it's a vented tank so it's normal to leak a little if over filled . I was hoping that was it.

No; the tank vent should be higher than the overflow at the filler nozzle (unless the car is severely tilted). If filled too high the gas spills on the ground next to the filler nozzle. That's how GM built the car.


"2nd Year" Silver Supporting Member
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Reg: 12-10-01
01-15-25 10:33 AM - Post#2877110    
    In response to japete92

Yep to drop the tank first empty as much as possible then undo the bottom clamp on the filler hose, undo straps with a jack holding it up drop down enough to unhook fuel line hose and pull the sending unit wire from the sender and also unscrew the screw holding the ground wire. Then you can drop the tank the rest of the way.The sending unit is held into the tank with a cam lock ring and under that is an O ring type gasket its either leaking there or the tank is cracked at the seam on top.

Frequent Contributor
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Loc: From Memphis to Florida
Reg: 12-01-15
01-16-25 04:14 PM - Post#2877138    
    In response to Dave_Neiling

Okay thank you sir! I'm thinking of replacing the short rubber hose and clamps going from the filler neck into the tank . Also, this grommet, does it just slide over the filler neck ?

"2nd Year" Silver Supporting Member
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Loc: Custar, Ohio United State...
Reg: 12-10-01
01-16-25 06:48 PM - Post#2877144    
    In response to Adam63impala

it does yes you'll see when unhook the filler pipe hose it is a little tight but you can just pull the upper pipe up and out it slides through that grommet.


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