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Username Post: 1936 Chevy 216 engine parts        (Topic#376132)
Posts: 2

Loc: North Carolina
Reg: 12-14-24
12-22-24 07:16 AM - Post#2876454    

Hello All. I have original engine parts that came off of my car.
1936 sedan sport standard. 36-1219.
I have the following parts available for sale.
Please message for any info you require. (still working/learning to navigate this forum)
I will send pictures and part numbers of what I have on request.
I want to help those who are keeping their car period correct and need original parts.
At some point this spring/summer 2025 I will be removing/disassembling the chassis/running gear/suspension and those items will also be available for sale.
If you have any requests please email me.

1. Starter M-738G SN-519360
2. Generator M-9460 SN-507192
3. (2) Carburetors (1-Carter W-1) (1-Rochester 7015011)
4. (2) Air cleaner assemblies
5. Flywheel/clutch/pressure plate assy.

Edited by JarheadSkidkid on 12-27-24 01:52 PM. Reason for edit: Deleted distributors updated model/serial numbers


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