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Username Post: 70 drip rail moldings?        (Topic#375869)
Posts: 100

Age: 51
Loc: Hartford South Dakota
Reg: 07-23-09
10-17-24 07:44 AM - Post#2874778    

Trying to put a set on a 70 for a customer. Car originally did not come with them as far as we know. The section just where the A post drip rail meets the roof one there was a filler piece that was removed which leads me to believe that the car never had them. I can get the rear and the roof sections to basically snap in place and will just take some slight tapping of the edge to lock them in place I believe. The A post will not snap over the drip rail on the car. I feel it needs to be even tweaked some to better form the shape of the actual drip rail. When we did the body work on this car the drip rail was taped off to keep paint thickness down. It currently just has the sealer,base and clear on it. So not very thick. Not enough I feel it would effect the fit especially since 2 out of the 3 fit. Any one have a trick they did?


Posts: 100

Age: 51
Loc: Hartford South Dakota
Reg: 07-23-09
10-18-24 09:28 AM - Post#2874807    
    In response to bestpaint

I believe these are from Ground Up and produced by Dynacorn. The A post I have had to slightly roll the outer lip almost to a 90 degree compared to what it was at before and it is still to narrow to the drip rail on the car. I spoke with Dynacorn and they said they have not heard any reviews of poor fit and no returns. Called Classic Industries. The OER they said is not made by Dynacorn and same thing no returns for poor fit. So either people are fitting these or just throwing them away when they don't fit. Has anyone had any luck with the OER moldings?


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