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Username Post: Selling Cheap: 58-61 Generator; 59 Body Bright Trim        (Topic#375833)
Stephen Pellegrino 
Posts: 11
Stephen Pellegrino
Age: 58
Loc: Boonton NJ
Reg: 02-28-23
10-11-24 04:08 PM - Post#2874583    

ORIGINAL GENERATOR: Chevy 283 V-8 or 235 6 cyl.; 1958-1959-1960-1961; 12 volt, 30 amps.

CLEANING OUT garage. My favorite charity is YOU! Giveaway prices!

This is professionally rebuilt to factory spec's: All taken apart and cleaned up with new brushes, bearings, bushings, studs, and insulators. Painted and put back together.

I bought this on eBay for my '59 Chevy--turns out I don't need a new generator. Currently sells for $232.95 on eBay; I'll sell you this one for only $130--so you save over $100! New in package, never opened. Postpaid price--no added shipping cost.

59 BEL AIR 4-door sedan TWO TONE PAINT DIVIDERS. Complete set. One or two little dents which, if you have some skill, can be straightened. Very rare and expensive elsewhere (if you can find a set). $70 postpaid.

Located in Boonton NJ. Send me a message!

Edited by Stephen Pellegrino on 10-11-24 04:18 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


Stephen Pellegrino 
Posts: 11
Stephen Pellegrino
Age: 58
Loc: Boonton NJ
Reg: 02-28-23
11-17-24 05:06 PM - Post#2875690    
    In response to Stephen Pellegrino

The generator has been sold.

I still have the two-tone paint dividers available for sale.


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