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Username Post: Is there a radio expert @ChevyTalk?        (Topic#375826)
"2nd Year" Gold Supporting Member
Posts: 11
Loc: Pacific Northwest
Reg: 12-29-18
10-10-24 11:09 AM - Post#2874552    

I have an am/fm/8Track in dash unit from a mid70's Caprice.
It actually works, but the am/fm selection bar is stuck. I've opened it up and cannot see any obstruction. The internal mechanism won't slide to the right.
Any insight as to what I could do will be appreciated.

Thank you!

Retired....Not enough money and too much time...


Posts: 22

Loc: Guelph, Ontario
Reg: 07-24-23
10-30-24 07:05 AM - Post#2875186    
    In response to PNW.Paul

The internals of the switch typically have some grease to aid smooth motion. Grease (electronics grade, not mechanical) usually dries out and hardens to the consistency of cement.

An injection of something like WD40 and gentle pressure to work it in may help.


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