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Username Post: TurboGlide with Master Rebuild Kit        (Topic#375801)
Posts: 190
Loc: Middlesex, CT
Reg: 01-02-09
10-06-24 12:01 PM - Post#2874451    

Cleaning out garage. Got a TurboGlide with torque converter to go. Offered with an original GM Master Rebuild kit. Complete in sweet used condition. Have pics but too big to post here.
I know these are pretty much regarded as unfavorable, so I get it.
But I've personally known a few 283 owners who just adore these.
So, someone with either a StoveBolt6 or a 283 may find this interesting.
To me it's too good of a bundle to just pitch.

CT pick up asking $250 for everything


Edited by 3483x2 on 10-06-24 12:03 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


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