Posts: 59
Reg: 11-29-23
10-01-24 12:03 PM - Post#2874347
haven't run into this in years,from sitting the clutch plate is stuck to the flywheel last time it did i just rocked the car back and forth in gear with the clutch pedal depressed and it freed itself no luck this time, is there a opening in bellhousing ti stick a screwdriver in to pry it free? i had car parked on the grass while havinng garage built and i guess the dampness got to it
Valued Contributor
Posts: 3536
Loc: Lake George, NY
Reg: 11-11-15
10-02-24 09:26 AM - Post#2874373
In response to hdbob5454
Not sure about an inspection cover, get under there and look, no?
Posts: 59
Reg: 11-29-23
10-03-24 09:38 AM - Post#2874390
In response to Shepherd
i parked it on the grass and its sunk some and low to start ,going to try to get a jack under it and get under it this weekend when i got time.
Posts: 59
Reg: 11-29-23
10-05-24 03:22 PM - Post#2874439
In response to hdbob5454
yeah finally got a jack under it removed dust cover used screwdriver all set.
Phil P
Posts: 2
Age: 81
Loc: Okeechobee, Florida
Reg: 10-05-24
10-06-24 04:36 AM - Post#2874443
In response to hdbob5454
I had several International M5 WW2 military trucks. When this happened I just put them in low gear started the engine with the clutch peddle held all the way down and just on and off the throttle after about 2 or three time of on and off the throttler they would turn loos.
How ever I owned and airport at that time and had plenty of room. LOL
Posts: 59
Reg: 11-29-23
10-07-24 04:14 PM - Post#2874488
In response to Phil P
yeah i had tried that didn't work lol