Posts: 1
Reg: 09-25-24
09-30-24 12:53 PM - Post#2874322
I have a 1999 chevy k2500 5.7 that has been doing some high idling and some revving up and down. It high idles when I shift from drive to park. It revs up and down when in drive but at a complete stop like at stoplights and also when I'm going down the highway with my foot off the gas. The first thing I did was clean the throttle body and replaced the gasket and this made my issues go away for two days. Then I replaced the idle air control sensor and it fixed the idle problems for a week, then they came back. Then I replaced the throttle position sensor and had no change. Feels like I'm so close yet so far, not sure what direction to go now.
4dr 57
"11th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 4856
Loc: Texas Hill Country
Reg: 11-10-04
10-01-24 06:40 AM - Post#2874333
In response to Mrducky
try running a scan tool to find trouble codes ortheriwse you will always be guessing.
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