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Username Post: Compressor confused        (Topic#375549)
Posts: 46

Reg: 03-03-22
08-21-24 08:20 AM - Post#2872941    

With under $100 paint guns (HPLV), what cfm,tank gallons,stage number compressor do I need. I'm reading 20cfm. I always thought with the HPLV you only needed 11+ cfm. Not looking for a show car paint job. After numerous body shops rejections I decided to do it myself. Probably a lot cheaper.


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Loc: paradise
Reg: 09-05-03
08-22-24 08:19 AM - Post#2872962    
    In response to Dans55

you do need clean, dry air. compressed air can have allot of moisture and heat. 50 feet of hose can get rid of both. a surge tank at the end will collect water. after that a filter/regulator.

70 L camino, grampa engine, g-force 5 spd, road rage suspension. Pray first before all else fails.

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Reg: 12-29-02
08-25-24 05:26 AM - Post#2873050    
    In response to Dans55

I'd expect you want a 60 gallon upright to be successful at painting.

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Posts: 6790

Loc: paradise
Reg: 09-05-03
08-25-24 10:05 AM - Post#2873057    
    In response to 65_Impala

i have painted a few cars with a 20 gallon maybe 3 hp? 220v compressor. with a 10 gallon surge tank. i had no problems. thats shooting primer and paint the same day. might even be able to rent one cause buying a big compressor aint cheap.

70 L camino, grampa engine, g-force 5 spd, road rage suspension. Pray first before all else fails.

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Posts: 5039

Reg: 12-29-02
08-27-24 07:11 PM - Post#2873136    
    In response to bobb

Probably an older decent compressor that has as much motor and compressor pump on it as the entry level 60 gallon units have these days.

"7th Year" Platinum Supporting Member
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Reg: 04-01-18
08-28-24 09:04 AM - Post#2873167    
    In response to 65_Impala

I once saw a 1930 Packard, painted, with an electrolux vac. paint attachment. Really nice job. I got an Emerald Green Metallic Lacquer job on a 52 Chevy from a fellow that used a compressor made out of an old lawn mower motor, with an old water heater for a tank. It's not the tools, it's the man.

1952 Styleline Sedan-
1967 C-20, Survivor.
1985 GMC 1500
The only running vehicles I own.

Very Senior Member
Posts: 5039

Reg: 12-29-02
09-01-24 04:49 AM - Post#2873316    
    In response to gcrkfrd

A HVLP gun requires a lot of air volume, no matter who's holding it.


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