Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
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08-15-24 02:28 PM - Post#2872753
What do y'all use to scan ODB1.5? My old '95 Jimmy is back. I've been fixing it up for friend that bought it from another friend. It has a check engine light on. It has a surge at idle. I think it has vacuum leak somewhere. It has new plugs and timing I set to 0.
Today, a new water pump, fan clutch, pulleys, and heater hoses were installed.
A/C pressures are good. It doesn't blow cold air. Either a vent is stuck. Or the evaporator is clogged with debris. The blower motor side is clean.
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE
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08-15-24 03:28 PM - Post#2872756
In response to gchemist
Actron makes a scanner that is compatible, there are others of course.
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08-15-24 08:14 PM - Post#2872762
In response to gchemist
Does the surge at idle cycle up/down? I wonder if it could be a TPS sensor. I had that happen to a much older vehicle and it was visible on the dealer scanner of the day. I don't recall which scanner that was though; similar to a Tech2 but older.
On the AC maybe the blend door is stuck in a full heat position?
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
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Loc: Austin, TX 78748
Reg: 05-09-00
08-16-24 04:19 AM - Post#2872769
In response to toro455
Pictures of new parts. I forgot the pump had studs for a clutch. The old studs came off easily. I also had to transfer the pump pipe heater hose fitting. I did lose a 10 mm socket. I'll have to try and fish it out early.
I'll look around for scanner. I may just go ahead and replace the TPS. I think I replaced it when I owned it.
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
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Loc: Austin, TX 78748
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08-18-24 07:09 AM - Post#2872818
In response to gchemist
Thanks for the TPS suggestions. Not too expensive to give a new one a try. I think I replaced it when I installed a new CPI spider years ago. The original CPI was leaking fuel.
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE
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Reg: 06-15-02
08-18-24 06:19 PM - Post#2872849
In response to gchemist
Hopefully whatever it is you will get it sorted in short order... and always nice to find the actual culprit.
Edit: A friend recently had an issue with a newer Malibu and his issue ended-up being something on the throttle body blade causing it to get stuck intermittently. He mentioned that would tend to get stuck in a too-open position which caused the car to rev. I think he said the car somehow recognized it and would go in to limited power mode... Now that I think about it whatever he was working on he said it was drive by wire. All I could think if was ok, happy I'm not dealing with that extra complication
Edited by toro455 on 08-18-24 06:23 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
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Loc: Austin, TX 78748
Reg: 05-09-00
08-19-24 02:55 AM - Post#2872854
In response to toro455
Thanks toro455. The Jimmy was parked for at least a year. I'll use some throttle body cleaner. Plus, pull the air idle valve too.
Without a scanner, does disconnecting the battery clear codes to start over?
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE
"9th Year" Gold Supporting Member
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Loc: Western NY
Reg: 06-15-02
08-19-24 04:56 AM - Post#2872861
In response to gchemist
For OBD2 disconnecting the battery resets all of the tests the vehicle runs as standard. It also resets all of the DTC codes. The only ones my truck has ever thrown were emissions related. If there is anything else, classified differently, I don't really know if it clears "everything". As well I don't believe it resets learned values.
The DTCs will also self clear if the condition which caused them does not repeat after a certain amount of time or if the test runs again and the vehicle doesn't see the same thing occur. Each test must have certain conditions prior to running. If those conditions do not exist a test will literally never run. I thought that a DTC would not clear until a test had been successful but I don't know that for a fact. I had the small leak code show on my truck. The evap test should only run between 25% and 75% of a full tank. I found if my truck had a small Evap leak DTC it would clear itself if I did nothing. If I then kept the truck out of that range the test would never run again. I still don't know though because, in that situation, my code was a small leak and I wonder if it was consistent.
In NY the rules for inspection of a vehicle the age of mine, with OBD2, is that you can have no codes showing but you can still have a single test pending. Sometimes the evap test issues are very difficult to find on these trucks. I also seemingly had an issue where everything functioned but the computer never tells the purge to open (despite the purge worked fine and you could command it open/closed with the Tech2). In that case I had to avoid the Evap test to get the vehicle inspected. I've had issues with that system, on and off for various reasons, starting exactly 1 week out of warranty.
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
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Loc: Austin, TX 78748
Reg: 05-09-00
09-13-24 04:01 AM - Post#2873810
In response to toro455
Finally had a chance to go back and work on the Jimmy. A new TB sensor was installed. I couldn't get the air idle valve off. I didn't take my star bit set. My friend had the perfect size to get the TB screws out. The idle rev continued. The PVC valve hose looked bad. The flex hose part that connects between the air inlet tube and left valve cover. A fuel hose the right size was bought to connect both ends. With the A/C on, RPMs were stable. With the A/C off, idle would jump and down every so often. I'm thinking of bumping up the timing to see if it goes away.
The check engine light is still on. The battery was too low so I had to use a booster pack. The battery took a quick charge after running it for a bit. I'm still looking for a 1.5 ODBII scanner.
The vents have an issue too. I removed the blower motor and fan resistor. Both sides of the evaporator are clean. The air is ice cold on the resistor side. Condensation drain is good. However, inside airflow is restricted. Cold air does come out but not enough. It should blow higher. Hopefully, use will fix unstick a vent. When I owned it, A/C temps were nice and cold.
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE
Edited by gchemist on 09-13-24 04:05 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
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Loc: Lake George, NY
Reg: 11-11-15
09-13-24 04:37 AM - Post#2873811
In response to gchemist
Innova 5512 a scanner does both, about 180.00 on Ebay.
Edited by Shepherd on 09-13-24 07:37 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
Posts: 26163

Loc: Austin, TX 78748
Reg: 05-09-00
09-14-24 04:57 AM - Post#2873853
In response to Shepherd
Ouch! I have an advanced scanner with bidirectional capabilities. An Innova 5512 is too much for minimal use.
A search turns up these three and one more for ODB1.5 use. If I can find low cost one, I may go ahead and purchase it. The Jimmy owner can keep it or let me keep it.
Actron CP9145
SUPER AutoScanner Kit CP9150
Actron 9110
Actron CP 9185
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE
Edited by gchemist on 09-14-24 09:31 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
Posts: 26163

Loc: Austin, TX 78748
Reg: 05-09-00
12-23-24 04:11 AM - Post#2876468
In response to gchemist
A CP9145 was found locally. I've been searching around for all the scanners listed above. It comes in a pouch with a manual, code explanation, CD, and GM cable. Adapters are needed for '95 and older Ford and Chrysler vehicles. It belonged to a retire shop mechanic/owner. I'll use it to scan my old '95 Jimmy. My friend is ready to pass on to his step-son.
After scanning, I'll post a follow up. Plus some screen shots. The CP9145 is huge!
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
Posts: 26163

Loc: Austin, TX 78748
Reg: 05-09-00
01-17-25 05:35 AM - Post#2877153
In response to gchemist
Finally had a chance to try out the CP9145. It's slow but did scan the ODB1.5 ECM. It has options to read ECMs back to 1984.
A code 15 was found. I start to look at the two temp sensors. The ECM temp sensor connector was found broken. A new one was installed. Code 15 cleared. The check engine light turned off. I'm going back to day to check it one more time. The engine didn't sound good while cranking. It's struggling to turn over. I think rod or crank bearings are shot.
I had to remove the belt and tensioner. A deep 3/4" socket and short extension worked.
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE
Edited by gchemist on 01-17-25 05:37 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Member #271 Senior Chevytalk Moderator
Posts: 26163

Loc: Austin, TX 78748
Reg: 05-09-00
02-02-25 07:12 AM - Post#2877569
In response to gchemist
The inconsistent idle has been diagnosed. Unfortunately, the 4.3 CPI engine is toast. A loud knock was heard during crank/running. Using a large ratchet, the motor was turned over. It has a very tight spot and locks up. The new owner may swap in a short or long block and fix other issues.
'83 Silverardo XST - ZZ4 powered
'95 Jimmy SLT (Bought @131,814)
'96 GMC Jimmy LS Ret. @236651 miles
'08 GMC Acadia 3.6L SLE