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Username Post: Hidden kill switch/ Must Do's before starting up after 2 yrs?        (Topic#373983)
81z28 CustomByDad 
Posts: 3

Loc: Ohio
Reg: 11-06-23
11-06-23 01:02 PM - Post#2863903    

Hello, before my Father passed he added hidden kill switches to His hotrodz. Iv been able to find the 1under the dash of his 71 Chevy k20. I'm still looking for hidden kill switch he installed on the 81 z28. I haven't looked in a long time, but I'm feeling confident after finding the 1 in wayyy inside and under the dash in the pickup. Besides checking fluids and new gas.. Anything else I should ensure is good before starting up?

Also any clue where I should look? Following all wires particularly new nor looking for similar wire as the other kill switch.

Also any tips or tricks dealing with a kill switches?

Edited by 81z28 CustomByDad on 11-06-23 01:21 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


Posts: 623

Loc: Portland,Or
Reg: 12-06-09
01-17-25 08:58 AM - Post#2877161    
    In response to 81z28 CustomByDad

Afraid I can't even guess where he put the kill switch, but would guess something close to where you found it on the truck.

As for prior to starting a car after a long nap, I wouldn't just check fluids, I'd drain and replace fluids also. Especially the engine oil, and gas! The trans and rear axle I'd simply check before driving it much.
Gas needs to probably drop the tank and get any old gas out, and then start with fresh gas. If it was my car I'd also pull the distributor and prime the oil pump until the oil pressure comes up. You could pull the coil wire and crank the engine to get pressure up, but that's not as good as priming the engine without cranking it while it's dry.

1969 Suburban 2wd 350
1939 Chevy pass. coupe 350/700R4
1937 Austin gasser 327/TH350

Super Senior Member
Posts: 6919

Loc: paradise
Reg: 09-05-03
01-19-25 09:19 AM - Post#2877218    
    In response to 81z28 CustomByDad

i would pull the plugs and spray some magic oil in the holes. rotate the engine by hand if can. crank it to get oil circulating.

70 L camino, grampa engine, g-force 5 spd, road rage suspension. Pray first before all else fails.


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