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Username Post: CPP 500 box        (Topic#373766)
Posts: 6

Reg: 01-17-18
09-12-23 09:18 PM - Post#2862522    

I have installed a CPP 500 steering box and line kit in a 1957 Chevy.
The pump is from a late 1970 Camaro , it works well BUT I have a small leak at the pressure line on the box. And yes it is tight lol, is it just a flare fitting or am I missing an “O” ring in the box?

Founder & Grand PoohBah
Posts: 19077
Loc: Georgetown, Texas
Reg: 03-15-99
09-18-23 09:55 PM - Post#2862659    
    In response to kooly22

Please contact the vendor by phone or email. They are no longer reachable via this method.

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Posts: 6

Reg: 01-17-18
09-20-23 05:04 PM - Post#2862702    
    In response to Tony

Thank you for the reply, I have contacted CPP and they have a solution to the problem by replacing the inverted flare . Although there is a small monetary price to fix a obvious problem lol

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