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Username Post: alignment specs?        (Topic#372802)
Member #248 Senior Member
Posts: 1797

Loc: kingman,az
Reg: 04-29-00
03-25-23 06:43 PM - Post#2856123    

my neighbor has a 55 Chevy truck, which has the Camaro sub frame.
2?s. does the upper control arm use the std. old style alignment shims between the shaft and frame?
what are the alignment specs for a real camaro?
thanks Rod in AZ


Valued Contributor
Posts: 3692

Loc: Lake George, NY
Reg: 11-11-15
03-26-23 05:46 AM - Post#2856128    
    In response to rod

What year Camaro? I have the specs up to 86. Older Camaro front ends used shims, either look at the truck or find the year the subframe came from.

Edited by Shepherd on 03-26-23 09:03 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 2448

Loc: Orlando Florida
Reg: 07-09-18
03-26-23 09:46 AM - Post#2856142    
    In response to rod

If it were my vehicle, I would start with the alignment specs of the donor car and then find an alignment shop that understands how your vehicle's settings might need to be different.

People fear change because it threatens what they know, or what they claim to know.

Super Senior Member
Posts: 6920

Loc: paradise
Reg: 09-05-03
03-26-23 10:04 AM - Post#2856145    
    In response to rod

camaro specs are probly a general guideline. i would just wing it depending on wheel size, offset, vehicle size and weight.

70 L camino, grampa engine, g-force 5 spd, road rage suspension. Pray first before all else fails.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 3692

Loc: Lake George, NY
Reg: 11-11-15
03-26-23 10:21 AM - Post#2856146    
    In response to bobb

Agreed, the stock specs are really a starting point for the oe design of the suspension and steering. The final adjustment for caster and camber portion would be tailored to the truck.

Edited by Shepherd on 03-26-23 03:52 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


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