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Username Post: 1964-66 simulated wood steering wheel questions        (Topic#372782)
Posts: 12

Age: 80
Loc: Cape Cod, Mass.
Reg: 10-15-22
03-20-23 12:45 PM - Post#2855964    

Hello all -

First of all, my ride is a 1964 Impala and I have posted to that forum, but I've had no luck finding pics or detailed sketches of what parts are needed to replace my original steering wheel with the option N34 2 spoke simulated wooden steering wheel.

I do understand that the '64-66 full size Chevy requires a very specific hub, but that aside I need to know what internal parts I need to attempt the conversion. Other than part numbers specific to Chevelle vs. Impala, the assembled unit must be (?) the same general design.

If anyone has good images of what their internals look like or part names of what components go in the column to complete the job, I would appreciate seeing them. I presume none of the standard wheel components are reusable.

Thanks for any help,


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