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Username Post: 230 exhaust manifold        (Topic#370130)
Posts: 35

Reg: 10-12-19
11-19-22 02:50 PM - Post#2850245    

hi all,
odd question.... i was going to remove my exhaust manifold (doing a larger project), and all the bolts came out, but having trouble with the middle one. It appears to be a smaller size than all the others, and is an odd size (i am wondering if it is 17/32"??), but I can't get any leverage on with anything like any tools beyond wrenches or sockets (i.e. pliers, etc.)
Would this be how factory did this, or.... has anyone come across this before?
I am stumped... so may just leave things ''as is''

Just curious.


Frequent Contributor
Posts: 2448

Loc: Orlando Florida
Reg: 07-09-18
11-20-22 11:35 AM - Post#2850278    
    In response to jbaker400

Does it have a stud on the end of the bolt for an accessory or just a plain headed bolt?

If it is a plain headed bolt, someone may have changed the bolt over the years. Any ability to share a pic?

People fear change because it threatens what they know, or what they claim to know.


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