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Username Post: saginaw steering pump needed        (Topic#369262)
51 AD 3100 
Posts: 224

Age: 57
Loc: Grant, AL
Reg: 08-30-20
08-21-22 05:18 AM - Post#2846206    

Hey fellas, i dont own a camaro but for my project truck im working on ,i bought a set of alan grove accessory brackets (specifically for a sbc, short wp ,no head accessory bolt holes.)that require the use of a saginaw style steering pump for 1070-1979(2 pumps listed ,6000 and 6001?). the pump i have is metric off of a truck so it wont work . does anyone have maybe a reference number for these pumps so i can find one to use. or at least source for a direct replacement pump. thanks

Life's more fun, in a '51


Valued Contributor
Posts: 3692

Loc: Lake George, NY
Reg: 11-11-15
08-21-22 06:18 AM - Post#2846209    
    In response to 51 AD 3100

Check Rock auto, may be some info on their listings.

"5th Year" Gold Supporting Member
Posts: 447
Loc: upstate NY
Reg: 11-12-19
08-22-22 05:29 PM - Post#2846263    
    In response to 51 AD 3100

Classic Industries has a bunch of pumps listed incl. the 6000/6001 series. Listed by make/model so if you check their site be sure to use whatever the engine configuration is when looking. I bought a complete CPP upgrade kit thru Classic which came with the Alan Grove brackets but they interfered with my alternator mounting/belt routing so I didnt use them but was fortunate to find a set of used O.E brackets.

'65 Impala SS, Crocus Yellow/blk
327 / 300 L74
M11 3 on the tree
12 bolt 3.31 open dif


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