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Username Post: brake caliber bolt won't tighten        (Topic#367020)
Posts: 4

Reg: 05-16-16
11-22-21 05:12 PM - Post#2831297    

Put on new front brake calibers and one of the bolts will not tighten. What do I need to do? What is the part called that has the threads for the bolts?


Frequent Contributor
Posts: 2448

Loc: Orlando Florida
Reg: 07-09-18
11-22-21 11:29 PM - Post#2831309    
    In response to FIVE-6

I believe that those thread through the spindle itself and have a long bolt that has threads in the brake caliper.

Not unusual to have those stripped out. Replace both brake calipers.

People fear change because it threatens what they know, or what they claim to know.

Edited by Mercedes on 11-22-21 11:31 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


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