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Username Post: 73 250 4 barrel intake        (Topic#361533)
Posts: 235

Reg: 01-31-13
06-26-20 02:59 PM - Post#2797257    

I would like to add a 4 barrel carb on my 1973 250 and would like to know if anyone has done this.Manifold and misc. parts T.I.A


Senior Member
Posts: 1975

Loc: Whitewater, CO
Reg: 05-25-01
07-07-20 11:44 AM - Post#2798157    
    In response to mean60impalagene


Or look on ebay for a used one... Single-Q...

Orrrrrr.... Chevy-GM...

Posts: 235

Reg: 01-31-13
07-09-20 05:15 AM - Post#2798254    
    In response to Stinky

Thank you for thee info...I am leaning in that direction ( four barrel). Need to measure distance and clearance.

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Posts: 2448

Loc: Orlando Florida
Reg: 07-09-18
09-01-21 03:06 AM - Post#2826365    
    In response to mean60impalagene

I would not waste my time or money. That old six is never going to wake up like a V8. My advice is to keep it stock until someday you want to change engines.

People fear change because it threatens what they know, or what they claim to know.

Posts: 235

Reg: 01-31-13
09-05-21 05:14 PM - Post#2826598    
    In response to Tony1963

I am leaning towards a stock set up.

Posts: 235

Reg: 01-31-13
09-11-21 06:34 AM - Post#2826879    
    In response to mean60impalagene

I am still researching on the 4.1 carburetor. Hoping someone who has done thee weber 32/36 38/38 combo chime in and tell the outcome of this setup. Thank You

Senior Member
Posts: 1975

Loc: Whitewater, CO
Reg: 05-25-01
09-17-21 06:52 PM - Post#2827291    
    In response to mean60impalagene

For about 1,000 bucks, a few hundred more, you can put on a 2bbl FI set.up....Holley Sniper.

There is a cheaper kit.

They also have a 1bbl kit and a Chevy 2bbl style kit. 10002/-1

Edited by Stinky on 09-17-21 06:59 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 2448

Loc: Orlando Florida
Reg: 07-09-18
09-26-21 06:07 AM - Post#2827977    
    In response to Stinky

In my experience, all of this is more show than go. The engine itself was designed to be "adequate" power and while fuel injection will give easier starting and more precise throttle response, I don't see it giving enough additional horsepower to make it worth doing.

I once saw a vehicle that had some kind of custom intake that had 4 4bbl carburetors on a small block engine. There is no way that the engine would ever pull enough air to satisfy all of those carburetors. However, it looked interesting.

On a vehicle of that age, a stock setup will draw more interest than a gizzed up mess.

People fear change because it threatens what they know, or what they claim to know.


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