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Username Post: fuel line from pump to carb question        (Topic#359166)
Senior Member
Posts: 153
Loc: Philly
Reg: 02-27-02
12-18-19 04:45 PM - Post#2782438    

I have a 71 with the factory 350 and quadrajet carb. The factory fuel line runs behind the water pump and in front of the timing chain cover. I recently replaced the water pump and the replacement pump has a less space between the back of the pump and the front of the timing chain cover. The compensation is in the pump's snout which is longer. The pump overall depth is correct, pulleys line up fine so it's not a short vs long pump issue. I'm guessing in later model years the water pump dimensions changed somewhat.

Now I'm getting intermittent vapor lock after the car has been run, hard starting. I assume it's because the fuel line is getting hot given there is no real circulation there. I'm thinking I'm going to re-bend a custom line around the water pump unless someone knows of a later model year carb line that would fit my application or has dealt with this problem in some other way.

I called tech assist at Right Stuff but they couldn't help me.

Anyone else have this issue?

Thanks, Mike


Mel Foye 
*VIP* Original Founding Member Group
Posts: 5597
Mel Foye
Reg: 09-29-00
12-19-19 12:32 PM - Post#2782506    
    In response to mikeyb

You may not have enough length to bend it the way you suggest. Do you still have the old pump and can you have it rebuilt?
It seems strange to me that the new pump has that much less clearance.

It Was On Fire When I Laid Down.

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Loc: North Coast, USA
Reg: 12-19-01
12-19-19 12:47 PM - Post#2782510    
    In response to mikeyb

  • mikeyb Said:
I recently replaced the water pump and the replacement pump has a less space between the back of the pump and the front of the timing chain cover. I'm guessing in later model years the water pump dimensions changed somewhat.

Take your pump and go shopping locally in person for a comparable casting.

Senior Member
Posts: 153
Loc: Philly
Reg: 02-27-02
12-21-19 06:16 AM - Post#2782601    
    In response to 55MAS

Thanks for the replies. I still have the original pump, I just sent it to a local rebuilder who can do it for $125. Probably what I should have done in the first place. The old pump went at the beginning of the season and I was in a rush to get it back on the road so I ordered one from Rock Auto (under $50). Guess there were so many variations of small block chevy waterpumps that I got one that wasn't really a "perfect fit".

Lesson learned


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