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Username Post: How rare is a 69 2dr post?        (Topic#358762)
Super Senior Member
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Loc: paradise
Reg: 09-05-03
11-10-19 09:54 AM - Post#2779899    

how rare is a 69 2dr post?


"20th Year" Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 940
Loc: Colorado
Reg: 12-01-05
11-11-19 08:04 AM - Post#2779968    
    In response to bobb

5620 built. Estimated 1400 were SS.

He who dies with the most toys doesn't necessarily win, but had more fun getting to the finish line.

Site Ambassador
Posts: 15802

Loc: Baltimore, MD
Reg: 11-27-04
11-16-19 09:51 AM - Post#2780290    
    In response to nstlga

Pretty rare, but rare does not always translate into valuable. Desirability has more to do with value. That being said, I don’t mind a post car at all.

Friends don’t let friends drive Fords.

1999 Silverado Z71 4X4 extra-cab short bed
1983 Malibu Fauxmad - tubbed
1978 El Camino Kustomized
1972 Monte Carlo
1957 210 handyman wagon
1957 Nomad sport wagon
1957 Cameo Carrier

Posts: 14

Reg: 03-06-22
03-06-22 07:17 PM - Post#2837616    
    In response to bobb


For 1969 Chevelle 300 Deluxes two door sedans built in the USA. There are two versions of that model.

Chevelle 300 Deluxe 300 6 cyl two door sdean model number 13327 8,238 built

Chevelle 300 Deluxe 300 V8 two door sedan model number 13427 5620 built


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