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Username Post: No response from C7 group, so I'll try here        (Topic#333105)
"14th Year" Gold Supporting Member
Posts: 2315
Loc: Vacaville, CA
Reg: 02-19-04
02-15-16 09:35 AM - Post#2608932    

I'll be picking up my new Z06 from the Corvette Museum on the 29th of this month and driving it home to CA. The only issue is that it is required that the oil be changed at 500 miles. We will be taking a southern route, so 500 miles is about Mobile, AL. Is there a competent Chevy dealer or oil change facility in the area that any of you would recommend?

39 business coupe, 56 2 dr sdn. 210 Del Ray, Corvettes 61, 67 convert, 07 Z06, 16 Z06, 21 Silverado, 15 BMW 435 vert.


Founder & Grand PoohBah
Posts: 19088
Loc: Texas, USA
Reg: 03-15-99
02-15-16 01:30 PM - Post#2608991    
    In response to bowtiefan

That's a pretty specific question in a forum that gets very little traffic.

Have you just considered looking up the closest Chevy dealer to that 500 mile range?

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"14th Year" Gold Supporting Member
Posts: 2315
Loc: Vacaville, CA
Reg: 02-19-04
02-15-16 06:36 PM - Post#2609062    
    In response to Tony

Yes, there are 3 or 4 Chevy dealers in the area, but I would prefer one that has more than just a few random dealings with Corvettes. Just don't know which one fits the bill. And yes, I'm realizing there isn't a lot of traffic here.

39 business coupe, 56 2 dr sdn. 210 Del Ray, Corvettes 61, 67 convert, 07 Z06, 16 Z06, 21 Silverado, 15 BMW 435 vert.

Edited by bowtiefan on 02-15-16 06:37 PM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


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