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Posts: 5
Loc: Saratoga region of New Yo...
Reg: 12-08-13
08-25-14 06:40 PM - Post#2479620
Bought an 08 LT3 convertible in May. Just turned 10K miles. The driver's side outer "bolster"of the seatback about 1/2 way up on the outside and lower towards the cushion have two faded looking spots from getting in and out. The interior is "ebony". Someone suggested, and I tried shoepolish. It actually worked, but the "fade" is slowly coming back. Is there a good permanent dye I could use to recolor this section. Is this a problem with the black interior. I think there is also some "fade" on the door panel just above the armrest.
68 Camaro 327 210hp PG convertible Palomino Ivory
08 Corvette 6spd convertible LT3 Z51 Blade Silver/ebony |
Forum Newbie
Posts: 8
Reg: 04-17-12
08-29-17 04:10 PM - Post#2706066
In response to Lacrosse12
I have an 08 conv. with 2 tone interior, red and black. Now 9 years old and 50,000 miles. no fading that I can see. There has to be leather dye that would work.
Posts: 78
Reg: 10-01-13
10-05-17 02:19 AM - Post#2709806
In response to corvettebob
Try leatherique. They offer cleaning/restoration products for leather seats.