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Username Post: 2012 Grand Sport BRAKE DUST!!!        (Topic#276071)
Pink MG 
Posts: 101
Pink MG
Age: 74
Loc: Central New Jersey Shore
Reg: 07-10-07
02-07-12 02:55 PM - Post#2188269    

I bought a brandy new 2012 Grand Sport from Kerbeck Corvette in mid November 2011. It is Artic White with a Red Interior. It has 2,650 miles on it now.

The black brake dust is horrendous! I was debating pulling the OEM pads and replacing them with Hawk HPS pads all around. A bit pricey, but it will solve my problem.

I've used these pads before on some SCCA track cars I've had with satisfactory results.

Anyone else with a Grand Sport/Z06 running into the brake dust problem? are you living with it or have you too swapped brake pads?

Mark H.


Forum Newbie
Posts: 5

Reg: 07-17-12
07-17-12 10:12 AM - Post#2249108    
    In response to Pink MG

Well frankly speaking swapping brake pads won't work in the long run. I don't have one myself but can tell you from what i've heard..that's more of a short time solution...

Corvette 2013 | 2013 Tahoe

Posts: 700
Loc: Brisbane Australia
Reg: 07-08-11
12-30-12 05:59 PM - Post#2302548    
    In response to anjy834u

I know this is an old thread but....

Changing the pads WILL fix the problem - if you can find the right pads.

I know from my time in the motor industry in Australia, that the pads used in most Australian built cars are of a different compound to those used in European cars.

For some reason, there was a public backlash against the black dust here, that they didn't get in Europe, so they continued fitting dirty ones there and put in low dust (or different colour dust) ones here.

Things may be changing, but as far as I can see, at this stage most BMWs Mercs and other European cars here in Aus still get around with filthy wheels, and the locally built ones stay clean (at least, cleaner for longer).

I'd say Chevrolet has gone for the European type compound (whatever that is) for the 'vette.


Procrastination; the one thing I never put off until tomorrow.


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