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Username Post: Which tires for 05 Coupe?        (Topic#237099)
Posts: 91
Loc: Lincoln & Great Falls...
Reg: 07-11-06
03-06-10 05:47 AM - Post#1874780    

I just bought an 05 and it will need tires soon. I have talked to two tire shops. They have suggested Bridgestone, Goodyear Eagles, Firestone Firehawks and Hankooks (sp). All at prices ranging from 900 a set to 1,600 a set.
Since this is my first Vette, I have no idea which tires would be best. It now has the original Goodyear run flats w 24,000. Not a Z06.
Please lend a newbie vette owner a hand with some advise on tires.

77 Chevy Stepside Restoration website
05 Vette e...

Edited by oldyellow77 on 03-06-10 05:48 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.


Sting Ray 
"19th Year" Silver Supporting Member
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Sting Ray
Loc: Westwood Hills, Kansas
Reg: 02-19-05
03-08-10 07:29 PM - Post#1876590    
    In response to oldyellow77

Congrats on scoring the vette. I have always gone with the Goodyear run-flats on my '88 and '00 as they have saved my a$$ twice big time. However, when the time comes for me on my '09 I'm thinking of going with Michelin Pilots. They seem to be cheaper, last longer and have a better ride. The Goodyears are difficult to mount without a risk of rim damage and the mileage you get out of them is abysmal and are one of the most expensive tires to put on a C6. All of which is a shame as I like to keep the factory tire on my cars and it is an American company but in this case there is such little value. Just keep that auto club card and a cell phone handy.

Bleeds Chevy Orange

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Reg: 03-20-09
03-10-10 12:54 PM - Post#1877612    
    In response to Sting Ray

I guess I must baby my '05 with the Z51 package. I have 56k on my original Goodyear's and they still have tread.....:)

Posts: 91
Loc: Lincoln & Great Falls...
Reg: 07-11-06
03-11-10 07:58 AM - Post#1878107    
    In response to gmorris0562

Thanks for your input. I spent many hours at vette forums doing searches on tires and concluded that I will try the Firestone Firehawks. It was always between them and the Pilots. In this case price of the Firehawks won me over. I could not find a bad thread about either the Firestone or the Pilots. Both of these tires were touted as being way better than Goodyears for ride, mileage, grip, etc. Will have them installed some time late next week so will post more after I ride them a while.

77 Chevy Stepside Restoration website
05 Vette e...

Member #241
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Age: 75
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Reg: 04-28-00
03-20-10 02:58 AM - Post#1883246    
    In response to oldyellow77

On my C5 I swapped the run flats for Michelin Pilot Sports and never looked back!! Carried a can of flat fix, but never needed it. HUGE difference in the drivability, ride, handling, and hooking up from a standing stop! Drove a Doctor friends C5 with the run flats and remembered why I swapped mine out! He, too, became a Michelin convert. Your ride and money, but the run flats, although reliable, aren't doing you any other favors.

Hey T @!

In Memory of Mike McVeigh- The "Mad Spring Wacker" He roams the Forums of CT forever in our hearts and minds!


Posts: 91
Loc: Lincoln & Great Falls...
Reg: 07-11-06
04-04-10 06:12 AM - Post#1892576    
    In response to wagonmaster

Thanks Wagon!! I am pleased with the Firehawks to date. A lot quieter and softer than the OEM Goodyears. In hindsight (as always) I wish I had done the Michelins. I do believe they are the better tire of the two. Was pinching pennies and $200 difference swayed me to Firestones. Oh well maybe next time. I have been told run flats are ruined the minute you drive them flat anyway.

77 Chevy Stepside Restoration website
05 Vette e...


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