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Username Post: hey.. found another picture... hah!        (Topic#203967)
Senior Member
Posts: 1754
Age: 51
Loc: Westmoreland, TN , USA
Reg: 02-09-01
11-25-08 08:13 PM - Post#1571688    

here is some proof that I have had my car since I was 4 years old... sort of.. HAH!!

My brother Tim on the left, Me on the right

77 Malibu Classic Coupe
08 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab Z-71 4x4


Junior Contributor
Posts: 233
Loc: Western New York
Reg: 10-07-07
11-28-08 06:05 PM - Post#1573429    
    In response to todd77malibu

HA love that pic! There's one of me in my car when I was about 4 or so on a cell phone...but it was one of those old cell phones that looked like a binder. Classic pic; if I can find it I'll post it.

---The Cavalry---
| 1975 Laguna 350 4bbl 83K | 1977 Chevelle 305 2bbl 86K | 1977 Monte Carlo 305 2bbl 124K |
| 1990 Lumina 3.1 MPFI 140K | 1996 Lumina 3100 SFI 91K | 1997 Lumina 3100 SFI 135K |
| 1997 Lumina LS 3100 SFI 152K| It's a sickness..

Dedicated Member
Posts: 6220
Age: 51
Loc: Elgin IL
Reg: 11-18-02
12-24-08 09:08 PM - Post#1592281    
    In response to afast77chevelle


Now that is an awesome shot! Very cool :).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 drive = Sept '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I don't know if there'll be snow" ... Burl Ives ... 'Have A Holly Jolly Christmas'


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