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Username Post: Canadian members map        (Topic#174022)
Valued Contributor
Posts: 3183
Age: 75
Loc: Ontario
Reg: 04-15-06
05-14-15 05:59 AM - Post#2547126    
    In response to buckrector12

Welcome buckrector12, got it done. I hate when they change stuff. Henry.

57 B/A wagon, 355/ 700R4, 71 Nova 355"SB, 07 2500HD , 51 HenryJ, 2021 Terrain.

Edited by Henrys57wagon on 05-14-15 10:06 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

1953 Ken 
Silver Supporting Member
Posts: 155
1953 Ken
Age: 50
Reg: 10-26-15
11-04-15 01:43 AM - Post#2586734    
    In response to buckrector12

You can add me, Ken, to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Thanks!

Valued Contributor
Posts: 3183
Age: 75
Loc: Ontario
Reg: 04-15-06
11-05-15 05:41 PM - Post#2587056    
    In response to 1953 Ken

Welcome Ken to CT Canadian forms, added to map also.

57 B/A wagon, 355/ 700R4, 71 Nova 355"SB, 07 2500HD , 51 HenryJ, 2021 Terrain.

Posts: 865
Age: 63
Loc: Toronto,Ont
Reg: 03-10-13
02-17-16 05:54 AM - Post#2609452    
    In response to Henrys57wagon

You can add me to the map also.. Thanks

65 Impala Sport Sedan
owned it twice now..
65 Impala SS 396 4spd Ragtop
had it longer then the ex wife...
and less issues...

Valued Contributor
Posts: 3183
Age: 75
Loc: Ontario
Reg: 04-15-06
02-21-16 05:00 PM - Post#2610505    
    In response to 65IA

Added, 65IA

57 B/A wagon, 355/ 700R4, 71 Nova 355"SB, 07 2500HD , 51 HenryJ, 2021 Terrain.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 3183
Age: 75
Loc: Ontario
Reg: 04-15-06
11-11-17 09:45 AM - Post#2714019    
    In response to Henrys57wagon

Added 61SpotSedan, Placentia, NL

57 B/A wagon, 355/ 700R4, 71 Nova 355"SB, 07 2500HD , 51 HenryJ, 2021 Terrain.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 3183
Age: 75
Loc: Ontario
Reg: 04-15-06
04-27-19 07:29 PM - Post#2765162    
    In response to Henrys57wagon

From Tony the master

Hi Henry,

I've decided to discontinue the tracking of map locations and members.

I appreciate all the time you have spent on this and will keep it alive just not continue to update it. Thanks for hanging around for this decision.

I hope you can drop in from time to time to say hello.

Best luck moving forward.

57 B/A wagon, 355/ 700R4, 71 Nova 355"SB, 07 2500HD , 51 HenryJ, 2021 Terrain.

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