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Username Post: Names behind the avatars        (Topic#147379)
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Reg: 01-30-05
12-19-08 07:04 PM - Post#1588623    
    In response to 58delray

I'm Larry, been around since the early CT days. Some of you might remember me as wings59, blackburd57, izzabo2. I've had many classic cars in the past but the one I've had longest is my 36 Dodge streetrod.....but it's Chevy powered


59 Impala Sport Coupe

36 Dodge Street rod..........owned 27 years


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Reg: 04-27-02
12-21-08 04:16 AM - Post#1589375    
    In response to wings59

My post name is 69panel because I rebuilt a '69 C-10 Chevy panel truck.

Most old timers here on the forum know my name is Bert. Bert is short for Albert. At one time there were three Alberts in our house...My grandfather, my father and myself. My name was shortened to Bert to avoid confussion when people called on the phone.

My oldest friends call me "Big Bert" or "Big B". Why "Big Bert" you ask? Because I'm 6' 3" tall and most of my adult life I've weighed 250 pounds or better.

"Try to be the person your dog thinks you are."

Posts: 520
Age: 56
Loc: Jackson Mich
Reg: 12-20-08
12-24-08 12:08 PM - Post#1591974    
    In response to 69panel

Well Mr BoogettyBoo is because of my street racing nickname Bogeyman , many still call me

But to some its Steff or Stevie but to the wife it "PUMKIN"

84 Corvette 409cu in LT1 Stroker 528hp
63 Corvette 327 4 spd fuel injected #s matching
79 Malibu 455 BB

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Reg: 06-21-08
01-05-09 08:50 PM - Post#1600342    
    In response to MrBooGettyBoo

i dont htink ive ever posted here and ive been here for almost a year! anyways....

Hi my names Jeffrey, i go by alot of different names, Jeff, Jeffie, Jeffi, and to a very special girl in MD. im known as v-neck boy( a very long story) i started out on this site as New_Chevelle_El_Camino_Ow ner, because we had just bought a 67' elky custom. im probally gonna change it again

1993 Ford mustang lx vert
1999 Acura Integra ls
1991 Volkswagen Cabriolet etienne aigner
2014 Ford Focus Se

I dont got no Chevy's

Ultra Senior Member
Posts: 10053
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Loc: Newfoundland, Canada
Reg: 11-20-02
01-06-09 07:44 AM - Post#1600533    
    In response to Jeffrey

My best friends name is Jeff, we all call him Jeffus.

Timothys Chevy 
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Timothys Chevy
Loc: Fredericton, New Brunswic...
Reg: 09-24-03
01-16-09 04:47 AM - Post#1608285    
    In response to Chevy_Crazy

Its Timothy, but most people call me Tim now.

Most of the guys at work call me Timmy, and sometimes Dad calls me Timbo! (don't know why..)
I haven't been here in a long time, this must be an old thread. Need to keep up with the times!


1984 Chevy Citation 2.5
2009 Pontiac Vibe AWD
1993 Buick Park Avenue
2001 Pontiac Sunfire GTX

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Reg: 06-21-08
02-09-09 01:26 AM - Post#1625801    
    In response to Chevy_Crazy

  • Chevy_Crazy Said:
My best friends name is Jeff, we all call him Jeffus.

Now that i have not heard

1993 Ford mustang lx vert
1999 Acura Integra ls
1991 Volkswagen Cabriolet etienne aigner
2014 Ford Focus Se

I dont got no Chevy's

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Reg: 01-28-01
02-09-09 04:33 AM - Post#1625839    
    In response to Jeffrey

  • jeff-s_80_elky Said:
  • Chevy_Crazy Said:
My best friends name is Jeff, we all call him Jeffus.

Now that i have not heard

Used to work with this fellow we called "Jeffro"...because it fit, if you know what I mean.

A diamond ain't nothing but a piece of coal that stuck with it. Brother Dave Gardner; ca. 1963

Have Wings, Will Travel

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Reg: 06-21-08
02-09-09 01:32 PM - Post#1626200    
    In response to DeeGee

  • DeeGee Said:
  • jeff-s_80_elky Said:
  • Chevy_Crazy Said:
My best friends name is Jeff, we all call him Jeffus.

Now that i have not heard

Used to work with this fellow we called "Jeffro"...because it fit, if you know what I mean.

Now that ive been called

1993 Ford mustang lx vert
1999 Acura Integra ls
1991 Volkswagen Cabriolet etienne aigner
2014 Ford Focus Se

I dont got no Chevy's

Ultra Senior Member
Posts: 11788
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Loc: Shelby Forest, Tennessee
Reg: 01-05-06
02-09-09 03:52 PM - Post#1626310    
    In response to Jeffrey

At one place I used to work, every one had an "O" name.
Jimbo, Gilmo, Timbo, Sambo,etc. Except Puddin'
Where I am now there was a "clique" that all had nick names like: Lowrider, Waterhead (he sweated a lot), Hollywood, Cat-head, No-legs, Sow-a$$, and some I can't repeat here.
I think I got Jeffus from someone. Didn't stick though.
Yep. I've heard Jeffro since I was 6.
When I was little, an old lady from church used to call me Zachariah.
An uncle called me Jabbo.
A coworker, years ago, called me Jethreen.
My grandmother used to call me Jeffy.
My wife still does sometimes.
(Ha! A fifty year old man. Jeffy? )
An old girlfriend, last time I saw her, called me....well...never mind..

55 Handyman
66 F100 project
32 3 Window Coupe project
1996 Silverado short bed extended cab
1948 Studebaker Champion
1977 Toyota Celica Coupe
2000 Blazer 4X4
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Posts: 27804

Reg: 01-06-02
02-09-09 04:49 PM - Post#1626369    
    In response to jeffs55

My son's name is Jeffrey as is my middle name. He gets Jeffy, Jeffro, Jefferson etc...
My nick names have included Rusty, Rammy, Education, Dad (by a friend of mine 10 years younger than me).


DON'T mess with Old Men, we didn't get old by being, STUPID!!!

"The veneer of civilization is very thin!" (Arlo)

Member #385
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Age: 64
Loc: Hedley B.C. Canada eh!
Reg: 06-24-00
02-09-09 05:36 PM - Post#1626415    
    In response to Randy_W

There's a guy here that owns the local grocery store and is one of us Chevy type gearheads, who's name is Jeff Rowe. I wonder how many times he's heard Jeffro in his life? Hell of a nice guy. Here's his 502 powered Camino.

P.S. That P/U behind the Camino is also his and is also BBC powered but it's "only" a 454.

Ultra Senior Member
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Loc: Newfoundland, Canada
Reg: 11-20-02
02-10-09 05:44 AM - Post#1626759    
    In response to 55Redneck

A friend at work now calls me "Yusaf" ! It started with Joseph, and evolved into Yusaf.

Posts: 27804

Reg: 01-06-02
02-10-09 03:48 PM - Post#1627185    
    In response to Chevy_Crazy

There's a great man named Yusaf, no wait, it's CaT Stevens!


DON'T mess with Old Men, we didn't get old by being, STUPID!!!

"The veneer of civilization is very thin!" (Arlo)

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Reg: 06-21-08
02-26-09 02:53 PM - Post#1639210    
    In response to jeffs55

at one time my uncle called me macarino or macaroni

1993 Ford mustang lx vert
1999 Acura Integra ls
1991 Volkswagen Cabriolet etienne aigner
2014 Ford Focus Se

I dont got no Chevy's

Ultra Senior Member
Posts: 10053
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Loc: Newfoundland, Canada
Reg: 11-20-02
02-26-09 04:05 PM - Post#1639275    
    In response to Randy_W

So remind me Randy, whats the great part?

Posts: 27804

Reg: 01-06-02
02-26-09 07:35 PM - Post#1639444    
    In response to Chevy_Crazy

I was mistaken!


DON'T mess with Old Men, we didn't get old by being, STUPID!!!

"The veneer of civilization is very thin!" (Arlo)

Ultra Senior Member
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Loc: Newfoundland, Canada
Reg: 11-20-02
02-26-09 07:37 PM - Post#1639448    
    In response to Randy_W

Happens with age

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Reg: 06-21-08
02-27-09 07:45 PM - Post#1640181    
    In response to Randy_W

I guess you didnt hear randy on his last album he went back to his first name! another full cup of yusaf

1993 Ford mustang lx vert
1999 Acura Integra ls
1991 Volkswagen Cabriolet etienne aigner
2014 Ford Focus Se

I dont got no Chevy's

Forum Newbie
Posts: 54
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Loc: Belton, Texas
Reg: 08-01-09
08-05-09 07:09 AM - Post#1748398    
    In response to Jeffrey

I'm Lisha!!!

Is there something wrong with a chick working on your Chevy???

WARNING: Temporary Blonde Moments!!

Posts: 2329

Age: 33
Reg: 11-10-06
08-05-09 07:09 AM - Post#1748399    
    In response to Chevygirl17

Hey Lisha!

Forum Newbie
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Reg: 08-01-09
08-05-09 07:12 AM - Post#1748401    
    In response to 74MonteCarlo

hiya Kyle

Is there something wrong with a chick working on your Chevy???

WARNING: Temporary Blonde Moments!!

Edited by Chevygirl17 on 08-05-09 07:12 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.

Ian Sean 
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Reg: 08-20-09
08-21-09 12:40 AM - Post#1757771    
    In response to wagonman100

I'm a newbie and my name is IAN.
Haven't uploaded my avatar yet.
Just answering this thread for all of you to know.

The true mark of success is that you never give up.

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Reg: 06-21-08
08-21-09 07:11 PM - Post#1758255    
    In response to 74MonteCarlo

Kyle i think david'll get mad he got mad at me

1993 Ford mustang lx vert
1999 Acura Integra ls
1991 Volkswagen Cabriolet etienne aigner
2014 Ford Focus Se

I dont got no Chevy's

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Reg: 06-21-08
08-21-09 07:12 PM - Post#1758256    
    In response to Ian Sean

Wasup ian?!?!

1993 Ford mustang lx vert
1999 Acura Integra ls
1991 Volkswagen Cabriolet etienne aigner
2014 Ford Focus Se

I dont got no Chevy's

Posts: 2329

Age: 33
Reg: 11-10-06
08-22-09 04:28 AM - Post#1758355    
    In response to Jeffrey

  • Jeffrey Said:
Kyle i think david'll get mad he got mad at me

*looks around*

What for?

69 SS396 
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69 SS396
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Reg: 11-30-08
09-09-09 06:06 AM - Post#1768786    
    In response to KAHUNA'S 57

It all depends on which voice is typing

The fate of empires depends on the education of youth-Aristotle

Kids will be kids, but parents should be parents.
1969 El Camino SS396 "Misty Meaner"

Bad Bowtie 
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Bad Bowtie
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Reg: 07-04-03
09-11-09 06:13 AM - Post#1769998    
    In response to 69 SS396


GMC. We are Professional Grade.

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Loc: Anaihem,CA
Reg: 06-09-07
08-26-10 01:21 PM - Post#1967141    
    In response to Tinman05

Snake Eyes
74 chick

1974 El Camino w/454
1974 Chevelle
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Posts: 156
Reg: 07-06-10
08-28-10 09:16 AM - Post#1967975    
    In response to snakeeyesracing



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