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Username Post: fix for windshield cowl rubber detached-2007 Monte Carlo        (Topic#373670)
Posts: 5

Reg: 10-15-22
08-21-23 11:38 PM - Post#2861821    


Wanted to share the fix/repair I did with no parts needed to reattach the windshield cowl's bonded rubber trim edge which detached from age on the 2007 Monte Carlo.

The windshield cowl part seems to not be available and it's detached bonded rubber edge/lip is very unsightly and the rubber edge serves the important purpose of keeping larger debris like leaves from entering under into the water drainage system where it could clog it and cause water to overflow and so enter the car's blower motor air inlet and flood the car's carpet.

I removed the plastic windshield cowl to aid working on it and to inspect its underside and to make sure it is reattached properly as any previous windshield replacement may have causes it not to be reattached correctly with its under hooks.

I cleaned the plastic and matting detached rubber edges with a rag and rubbing alcohol.
Then I patiently super glued it back together at strategic stretch locations/angles and sprinkled the wet w/super glue seam with baking soda. Also to any cracks in the rubber.

Left it for hours to bond well, then came back and super glued the rest of it and then rewetted the seams with super glue and sprinkled with baking soda.

Left for a few hours for strong bonding and drying and to make sure it was didn't need more gluing for unexpected detachment.
Then I used a black paint pen to go over the glued seam to hide/blend the seam better. The seam is visible up close but not bad for a no cost repair.

I did this a year ago and it is still holding.

If this forum doesn't allow posting of pics, I'll also post in a forum which does.

Take care.


Posts: 18

Loc: China Spring, TX
Reg: 04-27-15
01-31-24 02:07 AM - Post#2866438    
    In response to jimtmcdaniels

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Master Chief, US Navy, Retired
64 C10 Short bed Step Side


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