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Username Post: installing a vortec engine        (Topic#110974)
Posts: 22
Loc: Strasburg, CO
Reg: 06-10-03
09-01-05 12:13 PM - Post#771629    

I just wrecked my wifes 99 Tahoe. And I would like to install the engine trans combo into my 69 short step. Has anyone done this and how difficult was it.


Posts: 8

Reg: 09-01-05
Re: installing a vortec engine
09-01-05 10:26 PM - Post#771630    
    In response to Ilike69

There is a great article in Classic Trucks magazine, 09/04 edition, along with contacts for the various components required. Issues are: engine mounts, reprogram the computer, transmission cross member, requires high pressure fuel system with return line, etc. Overall they say it's a relatively easy switch.

Posts: 22
Loc: Strasburg, CO
Reg: 06-10-03
Re: installing a vortec engine
09-06-05 09:15 AM - Post#771631    
    In response to wink05

Thanks for the info. I have a sub to that mag and I am trying to locate it. I also found that painless has a harness for a universal fit just for this engine,trans combo. Thanks again Jim

Posts: 10

Loc: Mn
Reg: 09-16-05
Re: installing a vortec engine
09-16-05 02:51 AM - Post#771632    
    In response to Ilike69

I see Early Classic Enterprises in now making engine mounts to convert to Gen III motors in 67-72 chevy trucks.

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Posts: 1945
Loc: Cedar Park, TX
Reg: 11-09-04
Re: installing a vortec engine
09-19-05 05:12 AM - Post#771633    
    In response to wink05

Shouldn't that be 09/05? IIRC, it was just in the last couple of months.

2008 Equinox LS - My only Chevy right now


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