Posts: 28
Reg: 11-28-20
06-26-23 05:55 AM - Post#2859598
Hello there
I'm chiming in from the UK here.
(I can already hear everybody cheering)
I'm lets say been pointed in the direction of this years vehicles of the forum.
I have been told by someone the seats that I am trying to fit into a 64 Impala are possibly from an 81 Caprice. That I am fine with as the car is a bit of a RatRod.
I have fitted the drivers seat without too many problems and made the mount for the passenger seat.
My problem is that I am missing the four bolts that would mount the tracks to the bottom of the passenger seat.
They seem to be a perculier thread not metric fine, nor are they ANF/UNF. A friend of mine was going to the boat yard where he has his boat moored and to see if he could find four bolts with the same thread.
On further inspection he says he noticed that the thread seems to be tapered.
My question is now do GM use a tapered bolt for this purpose and can any one point me in the right direction to get some replacements.
Any help on this matter would be appreciated.
I am also going to take a photo of the seat to make sure I can get the correct identity of the year make and model. I know I have made this post a bit arse about face but need to get things rolling.
Thanks in advance
Edited by 303monkey on 06-26-23 06:13 AM. Reason for edit: No reason given.
Super Senior Member
Posts: 6918
Loc: paradise
Reg: 09-05-03
07-16-23 12:14 PM - Post#2860360
In response to 303monkey
uh, maybe retap to the next larger size?
70 L camino, grampa engine, g-force 5 spd, road rage suspension. Pray first before all else fails. |